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Accounts Payable Help

Welcome to the new BusinessPlus Accounts Payable product help, featuring a new look, improved navigation, and enhanced search results.


Accounts Payable is a powerful and integrated tool for managing vendor payments. Logical integration of the Purchasing, General Ledger, Encumbrances, Accounts Receivable, Fixed Assets, and other modules reduces data entry and makes your staff more efficient. BusinessPlus offers two methods for processing vendor payments: “post now and pay later” (open hold) and “post and pay at the same time” (immediate pay). You can use either or both methods as dictated by your business practices and needs. In addition, the void, typed, and reserved module offers seamless processing exceptions—voided checks, manually issued checks, and reversals of checks previously issued.

Bank Reconciliation is the central repository of check and deposit information generated by other BusinessPlus modules. With Bank Reconciliation, you can track and report on all checks issued and deposits received by BusinessPlus. Automatic reconciliation with electronic bank statements is also supported. Bank Reconciliation is integrated with Accounts Payable, Payroll, and Accounts Receivable/Cash Receipts.

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