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1099 Forms and File - BK99CC

BK99CC combines both BK99BP and BK99RP utilities. The process creates an electronic file that is stored in the admin/data directory of the App server.

Tax Year: The field defaults to the first year of the current fiscal year (as defined on GLUPGN). You may enter a previous tax year to generate data for that year. The job will fail if a future tax year is entered.  

What type of 1099s do you want to process? Select one of the following options:

  • 01 - 1099 NEC: Non-Employee Compensation. This option creates 1099s with only Box 7 and 15b information.

  • 02 - 1099 MISC: All Except Non-Employee Comp. This option creates 1099s with everything except Box 7 and 15b information.

Which databases would you like to include for processing? This prompt is used to designate which databases are to be used when evaluating the transactions. Select one of the following options:

  • BK – BKDB Only (Exclude OHDB)

  • BO – Both BKDB and OHDB

  • OH – OHDB Only (Exclude BKDB)

BK/OH Selection Criteria: If the process is being run as a test for a few PE IDs, then click the Selection Criteria prompt and enter the desired criteria in the displayed fields. If the process is being run for all PE IDs, then no selection criteria are needed.

If SSN and TIN are blank, do you wish to use PE ID as SSN? This question is no longer valid. Leave the checkbox blank (No).

Desired Report Sort Order: This prompt allows you to select how you want the Year-End report sorted. Select one of the following options:

  • ID - Tax Identification Number (SSN or TIN)

  • NM - Payee Name

Create 1099 Correction File? Select this checkbox if you are creating a 1099 correction file for the IRS. For details, refer to Procedures - BK 1099 Forms Correction.

Line Printer Copies, Name, Pri: Designate the number of copies, the priority of the job, and the name of the Line Printer used to print the Year-End 1099 report and tail sheet.

Forms Printer Copies, Name, Pri: Designate the number of copies, the priority of the job, and the name of the Forms Printer used to print the 1099 forms.


  • Mask SSN (Y/N): Select the checkbox (Yes) to display only the last four digits of the SSN/TIN details in the 1099 form and the report. Leave blank (No) to display the entire number.

  • Vendor State: Enter the two-character State abbreviation, if needed, to create only 1099s for the vendors within a certain state and create a submission file specific to that state. The default ** processes all states and creates the files needed to report to the IRS/federal government. 

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