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1099 Report - BK99CB

This report prints all payees and their 1099-MISC data in an easy-to-read standard report format. This report is useful for verifying payees and dollar amounts. To ensure the data on the report will match the 1099-MISC forms, answer all report prompts the same for the report and the form printing process. When running this report or printing the forms for the recipients, it is not common to use selection criteria.

Which databases would you like to include for processing? This prompt is used to designate which databases are to be used when evaluating the transactions for the 1099-MISCs. Select one of the following options:

  • BK – BKDB Only (Exclude OHDB)
  • BO – Both BKDB and OHDB
  • OH – OHDB Only (Exclude BKDB)

BK/OH Selection Criteria: If the 1099-MISC process is being run as a test for a few PE IDs, then click the Selection Criteria prompt and enter the desired criteria in the displayed fields. If the 1099-MISC process is being run for all PE IDs, then no selection criteria are needed.
If SSN and TIN are blank, do you wish to use PE ID as SSN? This question is no longer valid and should be answered as No. 
Desired Report Sort Order: This prompt allows you to select how you want the Year-End report sorted. The options are "NM" for Payee Name order, or "ID" for Tax Identification Number order (SSN or TIN).


Mask SSN (Y/N): Option to show only the last four digits of the SSN/TIN details in the 1099 form and the report.

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