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Automatic Matching

1. Find the bank ID and statement to be reconciled within BKUPRC.

  • Statement Status will be N – New Unprocessed Statements.

  • Update the Bank ID and double-click the particular statement date.

  • Double-click the desired statement to open the statement.

2. Review the Matched column; items with checkmarks are auto-matched.

  • Adjust the Filter to view specific records: All Records (default), Unmatched, or Matched.

  • If all records auto-match and you are confident that system-generated records match perfectly with bank data, select BKUPRC Approve button. Select Save to protect progress, research, or stop reconciling for the moment.

  • Verify all records are matched before proceeding with Approve.

  • A message will display saying X statement records and Y BusinessPlus records processed.

  • After an auto-matched record is approved, its Recon Status will be A for approved and its Match Status in BKUPCD and BKUPBA will be A for Automatic, meaning auto-match.

3. If there is no checkmark, continue to Manual Matching to resolve records that do not auto match or to perform extra research on auto-matched items.

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