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Create IP or OH Set from AR or CR - APIPUTAR

This utility will create an IP or OH Set File from an AR or CR Set File. Each entry in the AR Set File with a relate-to code of "AP" will be transferred to the specified AP Set File. If the NU Common Codes Category/Value of APAR/CONTROL is set to "ON" and "ARDESC" is in the 1st Associated Code then the AR/CR Description will populate the AP Description Field. Otherwise, the AR/CR PE Name will populate the AR Description field. 

Please enter a name for your new AP Set: Enter the name of the Set file to be created.

Please enter the AR/CR Set Name: Enter the name of the AR/CR Set file that will be turned into an IP/OH Set.

Please enter the Check ID to be used: This will be the Check I.D. in the IP/OH Set.

How should the A/P Vendor ID Number be determined? Select one of the following:

  • DS - Use the Last Value in the Description: The system will use the last value entered in the AR/CR description field to derive the account ID for Accounts Payable.
  • ID - Use the AR/CR PE ID: The system will use the PE ID from the AR/CR record to derive the account ID for Accounts Payable. (This is the most common method)
  • SR - Use the AR/CR Second Reference: For an AR Set, the system will use the information entered in the 2nd Ref field to derive the account ID for Accounts Payable. For a CR Set, the system will use the information entered in the Inv (Invoice) field under the 2nd Refs area to derive the account ID for Accounts Payable.
  • HR - Use Hierarchy Method: The hierarchy method uses internal program logic to determine the account ID for AP. The program searches in this order: DS, L8, SR, ID. The first valid PE ID will be placed on the AP transaction.
  • L8 - Use the last eight characters of the AR/CR Reference: For an AR Set, the system will use characters 9-16 of the Invoice field to derive the account ID for Accounts Payable.

For a CR Set, the system will use characters 9-16 of the Ref. # (Cash Receipt) field to derive the account ID for Accounts Payable. Note: The Cash Receipt Number field may not be large enough to accommodate this option on your page.

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