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Distribute All Subsystems - APTRBTDS

The APTRBTDS function distributes the entries from the Set file to the General Ledger database, the Check Management database, and optionally the Open Hold database. When hand-written checks that reference a Purchase Order are entered into a Void, Typed & Reversed Set, the Encumbrance and Purchasing databases are also updated. Run APTRBTDS to request the distribution of the Set file.

Please enter the name of your TR Set: Enter the name of the Set file that is to be used to hold the transactions that are to be entered into the system.
Posting Date: Enter the date, in MM/DD/YY form, which is to be used as the posting date for transactions which are posted to the Receiving module and the Encumbrance database or use default current date. All transactions in the Set file, plus all automatically generated entries will be posted to the aforementioned databases with the given date. It is very helpful if the General Ledger posting date and the Check date are the same, although it is not necessary that they be the same.
Check Date: Enter the date, in MM/DD/YY form, which is to be used as the posting date for transactions that are posted to the General Ledger. The Check Date is the posting date for all transactions relating to the Check Management Database.
Create an OH or IP Set of reversed entries? (Y/N): If a new Open Hold or Immediate Pay Set needs to be created, in order to generate a replacement check, reply "Y" (yes) to this question. The following questions will be displayed when replying yes to this question.
Would you like an OH or IP Set? (OH/IP): The default Set type is "OH", Open Hold. If a check needs to be reissued immediately, reply 'IP' to create and Immediate Pay Set.
Name of the Set for reversed entries: Reply with the new name for the Open Hold or Immediate Pay Set. Note, rarely is the default used, since it can only be used once.
Bank ID for new Set:

Would you like these transactions to be entered into OH? Enter "Y" if you would like the transactions in the Set to be entered as Paid (Type = "PD") in Open Hold A/P. Enter "N" if you would not like the transactions in the Set stored in Open Hold A/P. The system will only post to the BKDB and the GLDB. An answer of "N" will not update vendor history information. It is suggested you store this information to aid in maintaining vendor history.
Summarize GL entries by Set ID? If a "Y" is entered here, then all entries to the GL will be summarized by Set ID except Transaction Level and Grand Total level entries.
Do you wish to re-encumber reversed check amounts? This will re-encumber any PO that was previously paid on the now-reversed check. This allows for repaying the PO or issuing any corrections.
Which method is to be used to post reversals? Option "OH" utilizes the Open Hold method.

When the APTRBTDS utility runs:

  • A Set Proof Listing of the Set file is printed.
  • A Check Register is printed.
  • An Invoices Paid report is printed.
  • A Void, Typed & Reversed A/P Distribution report is printed.
  • A Void, Typed & Reversed A/P Posting report of entries to the GL is printed.
  • A Void, Typed & Reversed A/P Audit report of entries to the GL is printed.
  • The Set File is moved from the "data" group to the "posted" group to prevent duplicate postings.
  • The "Would you like these transactions to be entered into OH" question determines that the entries will be written to the OHDB.
  • The GL summary will be printed by Set ID.
  • The Immediate Pay posting method will be utilized.


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