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Division Codes

The AP Division Codes (APOHUPDV) page logically divides transactions into groups called divisions, like a subsidiary ledger. When entering a transaction into the system, the record is always associated with a division.
Separate divisions are commonly created for:

  • Reporting
  • Posting Strategies
  • Select for Payment
  • Payment Processing

The division codes are used to generate selected reports or aging analysis of "groups" of transactions that make up the database. For example, the AP database may have two kinds of transactions; one group relates to typical vendor payments and the other relates to travel advances for employees. Thus, a division code of "VN" could be created for all vendor payments and "TA" for all travel advances. Then, when doing an aged AP analysis, excluding the "TA" division or including the "VN" division is possible.

These divisions also have important meaning to the manner in which the system automatically generates postings to control accounts in the General Ledger (GL) database. For example, if there are two clearing accounts for AP activity, creating separate division codes to tell the system which control account is to receive the "CREDIT" side of the entry when transactions are processed may help. The lead accountant typically sets up division codes at the time of initial system installation and these codes rarely change. There is no practical limit to the number of division codes defined.

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