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Expense Reimbursement

The Expense Reimbursement subsystem of the AP module is used to allow users to remotely enter and edit expense reports via a cross-browser Web interface. Supervisor(s) then approve or reject expense reports using Workflow. If rejected, user must edit and resubmit, or delete the expense report. If approved, the business office reviews, edits, and gives final approval. Expense reports with final approval are extracted and posted to AP and GL and can be paid on the next check run.

See Expense Online Setup for setup information.

After successfully authenticating, the user will be directed to the Expense Report Summary page. The summary page is the central page where users manage their expense reports and is the starting point for any action they may take (e.g., creating a new expense report or editing an existing report).

The tables show all open status reports, all rejected status reports, and submitted reports for the last 60 days. Regular users see only their own expense reports in each of the three sections. Users who are allowed to enter expenses for others not only see their own expenses (if any), but also expense reports they created (even though they may be payable to someone else).

After filling out all three fields above and clicking the Add button, the system will validate the user's submission and create a new expense report. The user may then click on the report title and be redirected to the expense detail page for the new report, so they may continue by entering the expense details.

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