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Manual Matching

1. In BKUPRC, select and highlight a bank record that is not auto-matched (i.e, does not have a checkmark in the Matched column).

2. Search for potential matches for the unmatched statement record.

  • Activate the Search feature.

  • Adjust the filter to target specific criteria. All filter options search BKUPCD data. Characters typed into the Search field will find all documents with that exact value, whether the filter is set for All, Records, Type and Number, Amount, and so on. Add a wildcard * to the search value to expand the search to include records that may be similar, such as a document number with leading zeros will not auto match nor be found in a search unless search for the exact details. But using the * will search for anything that shares values before or after the * .

3. Add a checkmark. The checkmark is placed by the system after completing the following steps:

  • Having confirmed the bank statement document matches the BusinessPlus document, and

  • Highlight the correct bank record, and

  • Highlight the preferred BusinessPlus Documents record, and

  • Selecting Match to place a checkmark in the Matched column. User may not place checkmark manually using the mouse or space bar. Notice that the Match button now says Unmatch. Selecting Unmatch will remove the checkmark as long as the match occurred before hitting Save or Approve.

4. When a bank record does not match with any BusinessPlus records using the Search function, research BKUPCD and other pages that may seem relevant to troubleshoot:

  • Is the document new and not a record in BusinessPlus yet?

  • Is the document reversed or voided within the system?

  • Was the statement loaded into BKUPBA correctly?

  • Was the document reconciled on a different statement?

  • Was the record incorrectly matched during another reconciliation session?

  • Was the BusinessPlus Document modified and information is contraindicated?

  • Did the bank process incorrectly?

  • Note that bank items failing to match will show as E for Exception on the statement record within BKUPBA. Resolve Exceptions per administrative guidelines.

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