P-Card Reconciliation
P-Card reconciliation can be performed on multiple pages based on your organization’s setup. Unreconciled transactions are created on the pages by the import process.
Reconciliation Process
Select the page where you will perform the reconciliation.
Update the transaction records for charges. Purchase order (PO) extraction is only available on the APPCRC page.
Enter a description.
Enter the appropriate account numbers. You can split the expense to multiple accounts/FQAs.
Upload attachments if required.
Validate the records.
Records are sent to through the approval process.
Send to AP using the APPCSA page.
If changes are made to an approved transaction before it is sent to AP, the Approval checkbox is cleared and the approval process must be repeated if approvals are required.
Transaction Status
Transaction Status updates automatically through the process in the order listed. If you use group level settings, an action at the statement holder group level cascades to each associated transaction.
NW: New
RC: Reconciled
EX: Exception
VA: Validated (No errors. This also updates the Statement Status to VA when all individual transactions have a status of VA.)
AP: Sent to AP
AX: Sent to AP with exceptions/errors
Processing Pages
Select one of the P-Card reconciliation pages based on your role and organizational processes.
APPCEZ - P-Card Reconciliation
Records are grouped by P-Card number for each import. Each statement group is a series of transactions for a unique P-Card number and import date. Some details on the Reconciliation tab for each transaction are pulled from the statement import and read only. Records can be edited until they are posted to AP. Click Validate Group to generate validation messages and update the transaction status to VA or EX.
Security can be set to restrict access. Using default security, records will appear under the following conditions:
Your User ID is assigned as a Primary or Back-Up Reconciler.
Statement status is AC.
Transaction status is NW or EX.
A record is considered reconciled when the following items are completed on the Trans Reconciliation and Accounts tabs:
Vendor ID: The default is pulled from the import.
GL account: You can split the expense into multiple accounts or FQAs.
Description: The description can be added in grid mode.
Receipt: Optional unless marked required on the APPCBK page definition.
AP Invoice: Optional, used if the charge is paying an invoice. It posts as the secondary reference.
APPCRC - P-Card Admin Reconciliation
This page is designed for higher-level functionality, for example Purchasing, Accounts Payable, or Finance departments. Security restrictions can be set up so that only transactions that apply to users appear on the page. Records are grouped in sets by credit card statement. The Group tab displays the imported transactions by P-Card number. Records can be edited until posted to AP. Click Validate Group to generate validation messages and update the transaction status to VA or EX.
You can edit records on the Transaction tab and Accounts tab. A record is considered reconciled when the following items are completed on the Transaction and Accounts tabs:
Vendor ID: The default is pulled from the import.
GL account: You can split the expense into multiple accounts or FQAs.
Description: The description can be added in grid mode.
Receipt: Optional unless marked required on the APPCBK page definition.
AP Invoice: Optional, used if the charge is paying an invoice. It posts as the secondary reference.
This page has additional tabs where read-only information appears:
Line Item: Quantity, measure, and price information
Passenger: Passenger and ticketing information
Lodging: Lodging and rate information
Car: Driver and rental information
APPCTR - P-Card Transaction Reconciliation
This page displays transactions without the grouping used on the APPCEZ page. Use this page to reconcile records at the transaction level. Only transactions assigned to the reconciler, as defined on the APPCCR page, appear. Records can be edited until posted to AP. Security can be configured to restrict update access if necessary. Click Validate to generate validation messages and update the transaction status to VA or EX.
You can edit records in some fields on the primary page section and on the Accounts tab. A record is considered reconciled when the following items are completed on the primary page section and Accounts tab:
Vendor ID: The default is pulled from the import.
GL account: You can split the expense into multiple accounts or FQAs.
Description: The description can be added in grid mode.
Receipt: Optional unless marked required on the APPCBK page definition.
AP Invoice: Optional, used if the charge is paying an invoice. It posts as the secondary reference.
Finish Reconciliation
APPCSA - Send to AP
The final step in the reconciliation process is to send the records to AP. A prompt appears if any validated records are available to send. A generated invoice number includes the statement date and sequencer for each load, for example, PC.0000.010521.01, PC.0000.010521.02.