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P-Card Reconciliation - APPCEZ

Use the P-Card Reconciliation (APPCEZ) page to reconcile individual charges in an easy to use format. Records are created by importing a file of charges from the bank. The page contains information about the charge. Most fields are display-only. You can edit a few fields. A transaction is considered reconciled when it has a description, a vendor ID, and at least one account. An attached receipt is optional.

When the page is launched, a default filter displays work for the current user. It displays only records with the current user ID in the Reconciler ID field, a statement status of AC, and transaction status codes of NW and EX.

You can edit transactions until they are posted to Accounts Payable. Security may be configured to restrict some users from updating records.

Transaction Update Window

Card Holder Panel

The Card Holder panel of the page displays information about a group of charge records from one card holder based on the date the charges were imported. For example, if an agency imports credit card transactions from the bank each week, there would be approximately four groups of records per card for the statement period. Additionally, if a P-Card is assigned to two different people over the statement period, their respective charges will be displayed in two groups based on the card holder. All of this information is display-only and can be used for searching current or historical activity.

The panel displays the individual P-Card transactions grouped by card holder. Values in Trans Reconciliation, Misc, Notes, and Accounts tabs may be edited. Fields are read only unless otherwise indicated.

Bank Code: The related bank program. Bank Codes are defined in P-Card Bank Configuration page (APPCBK).

Statement Date: Date of the statement containing these charges.

Status: Status of the group of charges for the card holder. Valid options are:

  • AC (Active)

  • AP (Sent to AP) - Sent to AP with exceptions/errors

  • NW (New)

  • RJ (Rejected)

  • VA (Validated) 

Approved: Selected when status is approved.

Card Number: Last few digits of the card number based on the settings defined on the Bank Definition page (APPCBK).

Card Holder: Name of the individual responsible for the card.

Reconciler ID: Finance user ID of the primary reconciler.

Department: Department code assigned to the card holder.

Division: Division code assigned to the card holder.

Import Date: Date the charges were imported from the bank.

Validate Group: Validate the group of charges for a card. If any validation messages are generated, the messages appear here. If no exception messages are generated, then the transaction status changes to VA. If all transactions for the group are VA, then the card holder statement status is also updated to VA. Press CTRL+SHIFT+PERIOD to activate the Validate Group button.

Reconciliation Tab

This tab is read only and the information is used for searching and reporting.

Merchant: Merchant name provided by the bank.

Trans Date/Time: Date and time the charge was made.

Amount: Total dollar amount of the charge.

Addr: Merchant address provided by the bank.

Post Date: Post date of the record.

Sales Tax: Amount of sales tax included in the charge provided by the bank.

City: Merchant city provided by the bank.

State: Merchant state provided by the bank.

Zip: Merchant zip code provided by the bank.

AP Reference: System-generated number used to link the P-Card charge with the resulting Posted Accounts Payable transaction.

Approved: Selected when the transaction has been approved.

Receipt Attached: Selected if an attachment exists for this transaction.

Trans Status: Status of the individual charge. The status code updates automatically as the charge progresses through the process. Valid values are:

  • AP (Sent to AP)

  • AX (AP Exception) - Sent to AP with exceptions/errors

  • EX (Validation Exception)

  • NW (New)

  • RC (Reconciled)

  • RJ (Rejected)

  • VA (Validated)

Trans Reconciliation Tab

The Trans Reconciliation tab contains most of the fields that you can edit. Before a transaction can be considered reconciled, it must have a Vendor ID, Description, and at least one account. An attached receipt may be required depending on the Bank Code settings.

Vendor ID: If a vendor is not already assigned by the import process, enter the Vendor ID associated with the merchant. Use the lookup if you do not know the ID. A charge must have a Vendor ID before it will be considered reconciled.

Addr: After entering a vendor ID, choose the appropriate address.

Use Tax: Select the checkbox if use tax applies to the charge. If the transaction has sales tax associated, you cannot select Use Tax.

Misc Tab

The Misc tab contains some less-used fields that you can edit.

Misc Code 1: Choose a miscellaneous code from the list. The list of codes is defined in common codes using a prefix of OHMC. This code will flow through to Accounts Payable when the transaction is posted to AP.

Misc Code 2: Choose a miscellaneous code from the list. The list of codes is defined in common codes using a prefix of PCMC.

Fiscal Year: The fiscal year is defaulted based on the Statement Date for the imported transaction (import process APPCUTSI). GLUPGN settings are used to determine the fiscal year.

Notes Tab

Enter descriptive text about the charge (Optional, maximum 1000 characters).

Accounts Tab

The accounts tab is used to enter or edit the accounts to be charged in the General Ledger. Before a transaction can be considered reconciled it must contain at least one complete account and the account total must match the transaction amount.

Seq: System-assigned sequence number given to each account. If any of the accounts have a problem, the message will reference the sequence number to identify the problem account.

Account: Enter at least one valid account. Use the lookup if you do not know the account. The account field supports entry of a JL (project) account and work order number.

Description: Enter a short description of the charge. A charge must have a description before it will be considered reconciled.

Amount: Enter the dollar amount for the account. When new account records are entered, the amount will default to the amount remaining.

Exception Code: Choose an exception code if the charge is fraudulent or disputed. Exception codes are defined in common codes using a prefix of PCEX.

AP Invoice: If the charge is paying an invoice, enter the invoice number here. This invoice will be passed over the AP Secondary Reference field for reporting and duplicate invoice number checking.

Fixed Asset: Select the checkbox if the charge is for the purchase of a fixed asset.

Messages Tab

The Messages tab is read only and displays validation messages about the current transaction. When you make a change to the transaction, the system re-evaluates and updates the messages.

Type: The type of message.

Message: Displays the text of the message used to inform the user about what is needed before the transaction may be considered reconciled. Messages include:

  • Description must be provided

  • Vendor ID must be provided

  • Account Total x.xx does not match Transaction Total x.xx

  • An account is missing the GL Ledger Code (Seq=x)

  • An account is missing the GL Key or Object (Seq=x)

  • An attachment is required when transaction is at or above x.xx

  • An attachment is required for all transactions

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