Person Entity
The Person/Entity (PE) database is a central structure that stores name and address information. In addition, the system keeps track of client-defined codes and free form text that is associated with given entries. The PE database is designed to serve all other software systems that require person or entity identification. The system is installed with software that maintains and lists all information in the Person/Entity database and prints address labels.
Person/Entity and product information initially enter the PE system either by a user manually entering the information in the Person/Entity system (PEUP) or by other systems, such as Purchasing (POUPPR) or Accounts Payable (APIPBTUB), transferring data to the PE system.
File listings (PEFL) may be selected and printed based upon multiple selection criteria.
Address labels (PELB) are user defined and may be selected and printed based upon multiple selection criteria.
Utility software (PEUT) is used (infrequently) to simplify maintenance of the Person/Entity database. Product and person/entity IDs may be selectively changed. Log files may be browsed using the PE Browse Log Files utility. Person/entity IDs may be selectively purged.