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Reconciliation Overview

1. BKUPRC compares data from BKUPCD and BKUPBA.

  • Bank Statement data validates to BK Update Bank Statement Info (BKUPBA, bk_recon_mstr table).

  • BusinessPlus Documents contains system-generated data that validates to BK Update Check/Deposit Info (BKUPCD, bk_document_mstr table).

2. Matched bank records are linked with the BusinessPlus record after they are saved or approved.

3. Manual updates to one table will not automatically update the other. Only BKUPRC will update both tables at the same time after saving or approving.

4. Save or Approve are both considered reconciling and will update a matched record's various status fields, for example, the record status will no longer be IS (Issued).

5. The system will update various record statuses after BKUPRC matching and user selection of Save or Approve.

  • Save updates only records that have a checkmark in both systems.

  • Approve updates all statement records of the given statement, but only updates BusinessPlus documents that have been officially matched and a checkmark was applied.

6. Definition of Cleared/Settled.

  • A BusinessPlus record that is settled will have a status of CX within BKUPCD otherwise the Status is IS (Issued). All records with the status of IS have not been reconciled or settled. BKUPRC processing will update the status.

  • At the statement level, BKUPBA's field titled Recon Status in the header indicates the status of the reconciliation process. A Recon Status of P means the statement was saved and in a pending status. Likewise, a Recon Status of A means the whole statement was approved. However, the statement is composed of multiple records. Each record also has a Recon Status and a Match Status (identical to BKUPCD) but manually updating these fields in one page or table will not update the other page or table. For example, manually changing the Recon Status for a Document within BKUPCD will not automatically update the similar record in BKUPBA because, while it looks like the same record, the data is stored for each record in a unique table.

7. At any point in the reconciliation process, work in progress can be saved and continued later. Click Save before closing the page.

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