Reconciling Records
To complete the matching process, in BKUPRC:
1. Click Save to end the reconciliation process with the notion of returning to the statement later.
After clicking Save, a message displays reporting the number of records matched and the total number of statement records. This number will typically not match when bank records require matching. If so, return to the statement in BKUPRC.
Select Choose Statement.
Update the Statement Status to P – Statements Pending Approval.
Update the Bank ID, then double-click the particular statement date.
Continue the reconciliation process as before.
2. Click Approve once the reconciliation process is complete.
After clicking Approve, a message displays the number of records matched and the number of statement records. This number should match. Correct any discrepancies per administrative guidance.
Review the particular statement records within BKUPBA and look for any records with the Recon Status E (Exception). Any exceptions should be handled per administrative guidelines. For every statement record, BKUPCD should hold a match and reconcile.
Undo reconciliation using BKUTUR, as needed. BKUTUR targets data to undo based on statement data. Therefore, manually matched statement records that do not perfectly match BK Update Check/Deposit Info (BKUPCD) page data may require additional maintenance.
3. Re-open an approved statement within BKUPRC.
Update the Statement Status to A – Approved Statements and find Bank ID and particular statement date.
Records are read only.
The approved statement can be edited within BKUPBA per administrative guidelines, yet any changes here will not be automatically shared or reported to a record in the BKUPCD page.