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Report of Approved Invoices - APIPAPRP

This type of Approval Report is available for those invoices already approved. The report is similar to the Set Proof listing, except that it does not have a User Computed (Tape) Total, and for the time being will give a warning that the system-computed and user-computed totals do not match. The user should ignore this warning but be aware of other warnings for Data Exceptions that may arise. This option does not contain flags for "exceptions" or "totals only" as the Standard Set Proof does. The reasons for this are simple. Transactions with exceptions cannot make it from the Distribute Approvals job into the Approval group with transactions that have no data exceptions. Approved transactions will have no data exceptions. Because approvals can take place over several days, or even weeks, the report shows all the transactions that are approved and ready to distribute for pay. This will allow the user to familiarize her or himself with the transactions once more before they are paid.

To obtain a Report of Approved Invoices from the Immediate Pay or Open Hold subsystems, enter APIPAPRP or APOHAPRP. The user has the option to select specific items, or to select all. The system will ask if the short or long format is desired; the short format contains only Account/Job Ledger Account, Vendor ID, Date, Invoice Number, Description P.O., Amount, Rec.

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