Restricted Check Entry - APOHCSRCRC
Use the Restricted Check print process to locally generate your checks if the check amount is within a preconfigured limit. Restricted checks may be reprinted if there were printing problems.
New Check
Location: Enter a PEID that represents the location. Use standard PEID lookup if needed. The location populates the ship-to name and address on the Ship To tab.
Location Addr Cd: Choose the location address code from the list of available addresses for the selected Location PEID.
Check Number: Enter a check number. The check number must be issued to the user through the Check Issue (BKCSCI) page (bk_issue_mstr) and must not have been previously used (it must not exist in Bank Reconciliation, bk_document_mstr). The default check stock ID is defined in NU Common Codes, with a Code Category/Value of APRC/CONFIG01 with a type of CHK for BK validations.
Check Total: The sum of all dollar amounts entered on the Details tab. The check cannot be printed if the total check amount exceeds the preconfigured check limit as defined in NU Common Codes, with a Code Category/Value of APRC/CONFIG01 common code.
Requested By: (Optional) Enter the name of the person requesting the check.
Invoice: The invoice reference number. Generated from seed as defined in NU Common codes, with a Code Category/Value of APRC/CONFIG01 common code.
Print Check
Click the Print Check button. After validating the information on the page it will:
- Post the check to Accounts Payable (Open Hold) as a paid transaction.
- Post the check to the General Ledger as defined in the APDIST posting logic from GLUTSPSI.
- Post the check to the Bank Reconciliation as an issued check.
After the check is successfully posted, a message appears, and a Click, Drag, and Drill (CDD) report is launched to print checks as configured in NU Common Codes, with a Code Category/Value of APRC/CONFIG01. The report output appears on the page.
When the checks are printed, recorded, and posted, the check date will always be the current system date (according to the system clock). The Print Check button can only be used if the check has not been printed.
Reprint Check
Click the Reprint Check button to re-launch the CDD report. Use Reprint Check if there is a printing error and a re-print is required. You can only reprint if the Print Check process was previously completed.
Vendor Tab
Vendor ID: Enter PEID for the Vendor (payee). Use standard PEID lookup if needed. Selecting a PEID from the lookup or tabbing out of the field populates the Vendor Name and Address fields from the Person/Entity Information Update (PEUPPE) page. Vendors must have a security code that matches one of the five associated codes in NU Common Codes, with a Code Category of APRC/SECxx where xx is a number between 01 and 99. You cannot choose a vendor marked inactive or if the No Checks checkbox is selected on the Person/Entity Information Update (PEUPPE) page.
Vendor Addr Cd: Select the vendor address code from the list of available addresses for the Vendor PEID.
Vendor Name: The name is derived from the Vendor ID on the PEUPPE page.
Attention: Remains blank unless a value is entered.
Address Line 1: The address from the Vendor ID on the PEUPPE page.
Address Line 2: The address from the Vendor ID on the PEUPPE page.
City: The city from the Vendor ID on the PEUPPE page.
State: The state code from the Vendor ID on the PEUPPE page.
Zip: The zip code from the Vendor ID on the PEUPPE page.
Country: The country from the Vendor ID on the PEUPPE page.
Details Tab
Account: Enter an account number. All standard account validations still apply (for example: budget checking, active status, associations required).
Description: Enter a short description of the purchase.
Amount: Enter a dollar amount. This amount is not validated, only the total check amount.
Resale: Choose a resale indicator. Valid options are Y or N. This will be written to the miscellaneous field of the OH transaction.
Text Tab
Enter text that will print on the check stub. The text is saved in the database for future reporting.
Ship To Tab
The Ship To tab is display-only. The Location PEID entered in the Location field populates the name and address on this tab.