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Set Proof - APOHINBP

Once invoice data entry is complete, run an Invoice Processing Set Proof to obtain a report of all entered transactions before they are distributed to the General Ledger and Accounts Payable. This report, called an invoice proof listing, will print a warning message if discrepancies exist. Use the menu mask APOHINBP to run the Set Proof job from the All tab's main menu. Alternatively, APOHINBP can be accessed from within APOHININ Links on the side menu.

Would you like the Short Format of the AP Set Proof: The Long (verbose) Format is recommended in order to check all data entry such as, vendor information, invoice information, and account coding, etc. 

Posting Date: Enter the date, in MM/DD/YYYY form, which is to be used as the posting date for transactions which are posted to the GL,OH, PO and/or EN systems. Transactions in the Set, plus all automatically generated entries, will be posted to the GL, PO and EN systems with the given date. The Open Hold system will be updated with the Reference date inside the set. The Posting may be validated against your Accounting policies. 

Would you like to print exceptions only? The proof may be run to display only Data Exceptions. BusinessPlus offers other Data Exceptions; display per custom configurations using NU Common Codes. For instance, configure to see invoices that are outside of a specific data range, overpayments, receiving discrepancies. 

Process only approved invoices, or all invoices, by updating the Options section.

Summarize GL entries by Set ID? If a 'Yes' is entered here then all entries to the GL will be summarized by Set ID except Transaction Level and Grand Total Level entries.

How would you like the Set sorted? Select one of the following:

  • BE - Vendor ID, Invoice Number
  • IN - Invoice Order
  • NM - Vendor Name
  • SI - Set ID

Process USE Tax for this Set? (Y/N): Reply Y to have Use Tax calculated.

Restrict by current user ID? (Y/N): When this criteria is selected as Yes, it will only pull back invoices that the user that is running APOHINBP has entered.

Process Only Approved Invoices? (Y/N) Checking the box "Yes" would require Workflow Approval by an authorized agent and a valid workflow model loaded in Workflow Designer before proceeding. 

When APOHINBP (and APOHINVP) is run, the utility looks for records in the ohb_batch_dtl table where the Set Type is "IN."  Do not cancel the job when it is in progress; early termination may corrupt the data. Review the Set Proof Listing reports for data verification. If any errors were found during the proofing process, go back into the APOHININ page and find the invoice in question. Changes are made by simply updating incorrect information and pressing <Enter> to save the changes. Always run another Set Proof report to verify that changes were made and saved. Display exceptions on the batch proof where receiving details vary from the original order by defining the NU Common Code with a Code Category/Value of APBP/POEXCEPT.

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