Update Check Deposit Information - BKUPCD
Use the Bank Reconciliation (BK) Update Check/Deposit Information (BKUPCD) page to browse records stored in the database and make necessary changes or updates.
Bank ID: A document's bank code (CKID) is presented in this field. When the combo box drop-down button is shaded, this item cannot be changed on the record. The arrow will only be highlighted when adding a new record. The options available in the menu (Bank Identification Codes) will be the valid check stock IDs (CKIDs) defined in NU Common Codes, with a Code Category/Value of CKID/XX – where XX is the Bank ID.
Issue Date: The issue date for a check or the deposit date for a deposit slip.
Status: Represents the life cycle stage of the check. This is also referred to as an "Event". Valid options can be viewed in the drop-down menu. Changes in the Status are often associated with a date.
Subsystem: Select the subsystem from the drop-down list.
Document Type: Indicates if the record is an adjustment, check, deposit, EFT, fee, or interest. When the combo box drop-down button is shaded, this item on the record cannot be changed. The drop-down arrow will only be highlighted when adding a new record.
Document Number: Displays the check or deposit slip (document) number associated with the record. This field is display only in update mode.
Check Type: Indicate the check type.
Warrant: This number may be up to 10 digits (or characters) length. This field may be entered manually and used for Report purposes only.
Total Amount: The total amount of the check, deposit, or other entry.
Job Number: System derived job number.
Reversal Job: System derived reversal job number.
Payee ID: Select the ID that represents the Payee to whom the check was written, or deposit relates.
Details Tab
Reference: The individual reference number relating to the detail entry.
Amount: The individual Reference amount.
Finance Code: Interfaced records from the Cash Receipts subsystem, using a finance code, will have the finance code displayed here.
Relate 1 / Relate 2: Client-defined Relate To codes of which up to two codes may be associated to the entry, one per available box. Codes available for selection are defined in NUUPCD, with a Category/Value of CK99/RELATE01, CK99/RELATE02, CK99/RELATE03.
Reference Date: Date the detail entry was entered into the system.
CR Payment Type: Interfaced records from the Cash Receipts subsystem will have the payment type displayed here. Codes available are defined in AR Code Definitions (ARUPCD).
Second Ref: Up to 16 characters of additional information regarding the detail entry.
Notes Tab
Notes can be attached to each record by clicking the Notes tab. Notes can be added on this page. Notes added on the Mass Maintenance Update Screen (BKUPMM) will be displayed here.
Associations Tab
The Associations tab is used to record optional information about a Bank Reconciliation document (check, deposit, etc.) where there is no standard field available. This page offers a field for each of the three most common types of values: character, numeric, and date. Each association record is identified by its code value.
Code: A value of up to eight characters, used to identify the associated record.
Description: A 40-character field used to hold text information associated with the Bank Reconciliation document.
Value: A numeric field with five decimal places.
Date: A drop-calendar date field for entering any valid date association.
Address Tab
The Address tab is used to store the name and address associated with a Bank Reconciliation document (the payee on a check, for example). When the BusinessPlus system creates check entries, the name field is populated with the name of the payee and (if included) the address for which the entry was remitted.
Name: Up to 50 characters representing the name of the person or entity associated with the Bank Reconciliation document.
Address 1-4: Up to four lines of an address (40 characters each).
City: Up to 20 characters representing the city.
St: Up to two characters representing the state code.
Zip: Up to 10 characters representing the zip or postal code.
Country: Up to four characters representing the country code.
Status Dates Tab
Review Date: Date the bank document is reviewed and approved for disbursement.
Hold Date: Date the bank document was placed on hold.
Mail Date: Date the bank document (e.g. check) mailed out.
Release Date: Date the bank document was released to the payee after being on hold.
Stop Date: Date a stop payment was placed on the bank document.
Stale Date: Date the bank document was stale dated (e.g. due to payee failing to cash check).
Reverse Date: Date the bank document was reversed.
Escheat Date: Date the bank document was escheated, meaning the funds were forfeited back to the entity (e.g. due to payee failing to cash the check).
Cancel Date: Date the bank document was cancelled or reconciled.
Last Update Date: Date this record was last updated
Recon Tab
The Recon Tab is used for storing Reconciliation Information and Deposit Tracking. Once a Bank Statement has been reconciled, via the Bank Reconciliation (BKUPRC) page, this page will display information from the reconciliation process as it pertains to this particular record. This page also contains information that will assist in tracking a deposit record.
Recon Document Type: Identifies the "type" of bank statement entry (Adjustment, Check, Deposit, EFT, Fee, or Interest) that was matched to the BusinessPlus entry. The Document Type and the Reconciliation Type will usually be the same.
Recon Document Number: The Reconciliation Document Number represents the number that was used to reconcile the bank item. If the document was auto-matched, this number will be the same as the Document Number. If, for example, the bank supplied an incorrect document number and the entry was manually matched to a BusinessPlus entry, the reconciliation number would be the document number supplied from the bank statement.
Recon Status: The Reconciliation Status represents where the record is in the reconciliation process. If the reconciliation process has not been initiated on a record, it will have a status of N-None. A record that is in the process of being reconciled will have a reconciliation status of P-Pending. When the reconciliation of this record has been completed and approved, the status will be changed to A-Approved.
Match Status: The status of the record for reconciliation purposes. Match Status is set at N-None until reconciliation occurs. Status will be adjusted accordingly when the reconciliation process is used to save and/or approve the bank statement.
Deposit Status: To identify deposits actually in the Bank (option B); as opposed to deposits in Transit to the bank (option T).
Job Number 2: The BusinessPlus job number in which the reconciliation record was processed.
Audit Tab
The first three fields on this page work in conjunction with the Deposit Status field. When a Deposit status is flagged as cash T-Transit, a process may be run (BKDS) to change the status to B-Bank. These fields are populated only when the above process is used, otherwise they are blank. The last six fields on this page are to track information regarding checks that have been reissued. These fields are updated directly on this page.
Audit Reference: A value of up to 16 characters used to hold Audit Information populated by client-specific processes related to daily bank activity.
Audit Amount: A numeric field with two decimal places used to hold Audit Information populated by client-specific processes.
Audit Date: A date field used to hold Audit Information populated by client-specific processes.
Former Doc ID: If this BusinessPlus record is replacing a check that was already issued, the original Bank ID will display here.
Former Doc Type: The former Document Type.
Former Doc Number: The former Document Number.
Replace Doc ID: If this BusinessPlus check has been replaced by another check, the new Bank ID will display here.
Replace Doc Type: The replacement Document Type.
Replace Doc Number: The replacement Document Number.