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Validate and Post Invoices - APOHINVP

After invoice data entry has been verified and confirmed as correct, distribute (post) the invoices to the AP database using APOHINVP.

Would you like the Short Format of the AP Set Proof? The Short Format of the AP Set Proof option can be checked and utilized in this process.

Posting Date: The posting Date will default to the current date but may be overwritten.

Summarize GL entries by Set ID? This question is typically defaulted to "Y." It replaces the Set ID that was assigned at the time of data entry with one new common Set ID for all the transactions that distribute with that job. Some clients find it confusing when researching transaction history (e.g., workflow history on updated AP_APPROVAL model) and prefer changing the default on this question to "N." That way the set ID that was assigned when the transaction was originally entered will persist to the OH_DTL table. The question default can be changed in NUUPJBQS for question number is AP43.

Do you want to transfer AP activity to AR? (Y/N) Answer Y to this question to create an AR or CR Set from the OH Set you are distributing. Only OH transactions that are flagged with an "AR" or "OR" in the first relate code will be converted. If N is entered in response to this question, no AR/CR transactions will be created.

Create an AR or CR Set: This question appears if the previous question, "Do you want to transfer AP activity to AR?" was answered with Y. Enter "AR" to create an Accounts Receivable Set, or "CR" to create a Cash Receipts Set.

Would you like to create a negative Set? (Y/N) This question appears if the previous question, "Create an AR or CR Set" was answered with "CR." Enter Y if you would like to create a negative CR Set.

Set name for resulting transactions: This question appears if the previous question, "Do you want to transfer AP activity to AR?" was answered with Y. Enter a Set name for the resulting transactions.

Term Code for the new transactions: This question appears if the previous question, "Do you want to transfer AP activity to AR?" was answered with Y.

How should the AR Account ID Number be determined? This question appears if the previous question, "Do you want to transfer AP activity to AR?" was answered with Y. There are five options available to a user in determining the Account ID to place on the Accounts Receivable transaction interfaced from Account Payable. Select one of the following options:

  • DS – Use Last Value in Description. The system will look to the last token placed in the Accounts Payable Description line by the AP clerk to derive the Account ID places on the transaction in Accounts Receivable.
  • HR – Use Hierarchy method. This method uses internal program logic to determine the Account ID to place on the Accounts Receivable transaction. The program searches in this order: DS, L8, SR, ID. The first valid ID found will be placed on the Accounts Receivable transaction.
  • ID – Use AP PE ID. The system will duplicate the Account Payable PEID and place that PEID on the transaction in Accounts Receivable. This is the usual processing option.
  • L8 – Use last 8 characters of AP Ref. The system will use the Accounts Payable invoice number field to derive the Account ID on the transaction in Accounts Receivable. The invoice field is 16 positions long and is entered as follows: Pos. 1-8 = Accounts Payable Invoice Number, Pos. 9-16 = the desired Accounts Receivable Account ID.
  • SR – Use AP Second Ref. The system uses the AP Secondary Reference for the Account ID.

How would you like the Set sorted? This question determines if the Set will be sorted, and if so, how. Options are:

  • BE - Vendor ID, Invoice Number
  • IN - Invoice Order
  • NM - Vendor Name
  • SI - Set ID

Process USE Tax for this Set? (Y/N)

Restrict by current user ID? (Y/N)

Process Only Approved Invoices? Checking the box "Yes" would require Workflow Approval by an authorized agent and a valid workflow model loaded in Workflow Designer before proceeding.
Click Submit to run the job. Do not cancel the job when it is in progress; early termination may corrupt the data. The system posts invoices into Accounts Payable and the General Ledger. Purchasing is updated if the payment is against a Purchase Order. Encumbrances are updated if the payment is made against an encumbrance. If the AP to AR question is set to YES transactions will be sent over as a set to Accounts Receivable. Once an invoice is posted within the "IN - Invoice Processing" subsystem within the AP module, the posted invoice will no longer display within APOHININ. The record will be visible within the AP OH Direct Update (APOHUPTR) page.  Verify that the Set distributed successfully by viewing the reports generated by the processing.

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