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Budget and Preparation Help

Welcome to the new BusinessPlus Budget and Preparation product help, featuring a new look, improved navigation, and enhanced search results.


A collection of flexible tools, Budgeting is designed to help districts create and analyze current and future year’s budgets. When developing budgets, current and prior year’s budget and/or actual information is available for manipulation and set up as “what if” scenarios.

Position Budgeting creates a budget for the next fiscal year based on the existing data from the Human Resource and Payroll modules. Several budget models may be created and used simultaneously. Highly flexible utilities enable imported data to be manipulated until the desired budget results are obtained. Since the data is imported into the Position Budgeting module, there is no danger of affecting live human resource or payroll data.

Project Allocation is a separate, yet integrated function to the Job/Project Accounting Ledger. Project expense allocation rules can be established at the time of project setup and will drive posting to the Job/Project Accounting Ledger from all modules. Data entry from Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable/Cash Receipts, Purchasing, Payroll, and other core modules requires only the project number reference to complete all account postings and secondary allocation transactions.

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