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The Budgeting module allows an organization to create and analyze current and future budgets with flexible tools that provide current and year-prior budget data that is available for manipulation and creating "what if" scenarios. Users can control the time period in which changes can be made on a budget-version-by-budget-version basis.


  • Define up to 25 named versions of a budget for each year.
  • Support annual, quarterly, monthly, and multi-year budgets.
  • Period changes can be made on a budget-version-by-budget-version basis.
  • Budget, expend, and control at different levels.
  • Support global budget increases or decreases by percentage.
  • Adjust budgets by plus or minus amount, plus or minus percentage, or override values.
  • Utilize specialized balanced budget transfer and adjustment pages.
  • Budget preparation interfaced from Budget Item Detail and Position Control modules.
  • Download or upload Excel files to or from PC-based systems.
  • Create trend analysis and straight-line projections from current and prior year actuals.
  • Forecast and project salaries.
  • Track and report all budget changes.
  • Track budgets by fiscal year or any user-defined period.

Concept Topics

Direct Budget Update: Used during the budget preparation process.
Copy Budgets: Used for saving a "snapshot" for future reference and comparison.
Flat File Interface: Used for transferring a budget created on a spreadsheet.
Batch Budgeting: Used for making budget changes throughout the year.


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