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Budgeting and Transaction Entries

Project budget checking within BusinessPlus will occur at the key or object code level as determined in the initial setup. You will be able to set a global warn or block in common code GLFG/LEVELS. You may also set in controls at the entry of the budget through the direct update screen. Transactions that are directly posted to the Project organization key and object Code set for transactions posting will be verified to the budgets entered through the direct budget update screen GLBUUP. Budgets are entered by fiscal year and budget version. Be sure you have the correct version when making the entries.

Remember that a warn set in GLFG/LEVELS will give a message to the operator and allow the transaction to continue, but a block will not allow the transaction to proceed. Transaction activity is entered through standard PO, AP subsystem input screens. Data entry will be input using the Project organization key and object code, which is mapped to a General Ledger organization key and object code.

Project Allocation will create a recognized revenue budget version called PF for Project Funding Source. This version will print into the multiple entry CDD report for the project managers. The verification of the correct figures will be to make sure the actuals and the PF budget version match in the total amount.

Common code GLFG/LEVELS should be set up to show the Warning and Blocking entries for the system and indicate the Object Code or Groups which will have accumulators.

GLFG/LEVELS should be defined for the General Ledger and for the Job Ledger. Project Allocation information will be entered into the Job Ledger. The user may have the need to do accumulators and budget (warn and block) at different levels for each ledger.

The Funding Sources tab on PAUPPR enables users to use Revenue Object Codes within priority to sum transactions. Allocation of a Project expense amount will be calculated using totals for the project. The expenses total will then be applied to the available funds in a particular priority and entered into a recognized revenue amount in the PF Project Funding version. The calculations would change if additional funds were placed into priority-one at the time of a new summary by the utility program. E.g., the entire budget amount in priority-one was used up, and the transaction was being placed against the priority-two amounts.

If additional funds were entered into the PAUPPR Funding Sources tab for a priority-one Funding Source, the system starts the calculation with priority-one and would sum that money before priority-two. All budgets within a given priority will be exhausted prior to using budget amounts in the next priority. Project Allocation will not allow any Budget Item/Funding Source for a Project to be duplicated within the same priority. The system assumes the operator will enter all priority-one percentages before going to priority-two when entering information into the Funding Sources tab. The system will check to see if the percentages entered exceed 100% and give an error message. However, the system will not check if the operator enters less than 100% for a priority. Nor will the system validate to the entry on the first screen for the Limits to which shows the overall funding for the project.

When the allocation routine determines that there is no budget left within the current priority, it takes the remaining balance and distributes it into the next priority. This type of allocation will continue until either all activity has been allocated, or the entire budget for that Project JL key has been expended.

Note that all budget changes for revenues need to be entered into the system by the project allocation screens. The direct budget update (GLBUUP) page will enter the entries for the expense budgets.

Negative entries (i.e., credits to expense lines) will be distributed using reverse priority logic. Credits will be allocated first to the lowest priority (highest number 3 as an example) and continue to allocate back to the highest priority (lowest number 1 as an example).

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