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General Information - PAUPGN

The Project Allocations (PA) General Information (PAUPGN) page is used to assign background parts by ledger code. Code values available in the drop-down lists are based upon the definitions that exist for the chosen ledger code.

Ledger Code: Two-character ledger code.
Phase Group: Four-character object or object group that maps to the Phase. Code values are derived from the ledger code selected.
Project Part: Four-character key part that maps to the Project. Code values are derived from the ledger code selected.
Sub Project Part: Optional Four-character key part that maps to the Sub Project. If no Sub Project Part is selected then the Sub Project will not be required on the Project Allocation pages. Code values are derived from the ledger code selected.
Funding Source Part: Four-character key part that maps to the Funding Source. Code values are derived from the ledger code selected.

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