Position Budgeting
The Position Budgeting (PB) module creates a budget for the next fiscal year based on its data. A "Model" is created for and the data is imported into the "Model" from the Human Resources (HR) module. Several models may be created and used simultaneously to meet various objectives. Flexible utilities are included that enable the imported data to be manipulated until the desired budget results are obtained. Since the HR data is imported into the PB system, there is no danger of affecting live HR data.
- Automatically "roll" changes made to salary and benefit tables through the system.
- Maintain salaries, benefits, and overtime based on full-time equivalencies (FTE).
- Support salary-saving calculations when installed with Payroll.
- Assign salaries and benefits to multiple General Ledger and Job Ledger accounts within a single position assignment.
- Automatically maintain salary "step" increases.
- Maintain salaries as annual, monthly, bi-weekly, or hourly figures.
- Adjust salary budgets up or down by a fixed percentage with "fudge factor" capability.
- Assignments are date-sensitive (i.e., next year's structure may be reorganized without affecting the current year).
- Set salary and FTE limits at the job and/or position level.
- Define benefits as a percentage of salary or as a straight dollar amount.
- Different benefits can be defined for regular and overtime pay.
- Create a budget for unfilled positions (vacancies).
- Integrate with General Ledger, Budget Item Detail, and Job Ledger.
- Create monthly or annual budgets based on position assignments.
- Set up scenarios to adjust salaries by percentages and report "what if" information.
- Human Resources information is maintained for reporting purposes.