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CDD Report Page Links

You can add Click, Drag, and Drill (CDD) reports directly to BusinessPlus pages that include the standard page menu. Use this feature on a page to generate a CDD report based on values in the selected record. 




Launch a Report

  1. Select Reports.

  2. Select any available report. The report launches with the saved selection criteria. 

Any user with page access can select and launch any available report in the list.

Add a Report

  1. Select Reports, then Add

  2. Select the appropriate folder where your report is located. 

  3. Select the desired CDD report from the list. 

  4. Once selected, the following options appear:

    • Selection Criteria available from the CDD definition.  

    • Sort Priority defines the order where the report appears in the Reports menu.  

    • Prompt can be selected from the defined selection criteria questions.

    • Prompt ID is the prompt description from the selected report prompt.  

    • Data Source lists the available data sources for the selected report.  

    • Property lists the available fields from the selected Data Source. This property is passed from the current record to the selected report.  

    • Default Value allows you to enter a default static value for the report prompt instead of using the record value. This option is only available if a Data Source has not been selected.  

  5. Select Add Prompt to apply the prompt criteria.  

  6. Select Save to add the report to the page. Select Cancel to exit without adding the report to the page.  

  • Create SCRN/CDD Common Code in NUUPCD and set Short Description to ON to activate the Reports option on the menu.

  • Only users with the WSEDITOR association in the security profile can add or delete CDD report links. 

  • You cannot edit a report. Remove the report and re-add it with the updated selection criteria. 

  • You can add up to ten (10) CDD reports to an individual page. 

  • You can add multiple prompts for a single report. 

Remove a Report

  1. Select Reports, then Remove.

  2. Select the X icon for the report you wish to remove.  

  3. Select Yes to confirm. Select No to cancel and leave the report in the list. 

  4. Select Done

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