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Customize Dashboard

Adding Components

The dashboard can be customized by adding components:

  1. Enable Edit mode (pencil icon)

  2. Select Add new Panel (plus sign icon)

  3. Select a component type. Refer to the table for details.

  4. Save the changes.

Component Type








  1. Select Links Component, then Add.

  2. In the Settings window, select the CDD button.

  3. Expand the CDD Reports folder to navigate to available reports.

  4. Selected reports are placed in Links to Add.

  5. When finished, select Add Links.

  6. A Links component is added to the dashboard and displays the selected reports.

CDD reports launch in their own page when the report link is selected. Report output is displayed directly to that page. Alternatively, a report can be accessed in the dashboard Job Monitor component by selecting the Report link associated with the CDD job request.

Access to run CDD Reports is granted based on the security roles assigned to the user that grant at least Execute and Read Access permission to the CDD Folders. When you add a CDD Report to a Dashboard Link Component it must be pulled from a folder where all users who will be assigned the Dashboard have permissions to the CDD Folder.



Web Links

  1. Select Links Component, then Add.

  2. In the Settings window, select the Weblink button.

  3. Enter a description and Web address.

  4. Select Add Link to populate the Web link in Links to Add.

  5. Repeat steps to add more Web links.

  6. When finished, select Add Links.

  7. A Links component is added to the dashboard and displays the links.

Blank Component

  1. Select Links Component, then Add.

  2. In the Settings window, do not select any links to add.

  3. Select Add Links.

  4. A blank Links component is created with a message: No authorized links.

  5. Add links later in Edit mode. Use the Configure tool or drag and drop masks from the dashboard menu.

BusinessPlus Masks

In Edit mode, BusinessPlus folders or individual pages can be dragged and dropped from the left navigational menu into Links modules.

Edge Applications

Use this sample syntax to construct links to the following edge applications: 

  • Employee Online:  https://<<servername>>/BusinessPlus/EmployeeOnline/EOHomePage

  • Timecard Online: https://<<servername>>/IFAS7/timecard/

Legacy Customize Dashboard

The legacy Customize Dashboard page that holds settings for modules such as Timecard Online can be accessed using this syntax:




  1. Select Links Component, then Add.

  2. In the Settings window, select the Cognos button.

  3. After the report folders load, navigate to the reports you want to add.

  4. Select a report to add it to Links to Add.

  5. Repeat report selection, if needed.

  6. Select Add Links.

  7. A Links component is added to the dashboard and displays the selected reports.

Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication is used for Cognos reports. When first connecting to Cognos, there may be a delay due to authentication processes running in the background.


Cognos Dashboard

  1. Select Links Component, then Add.

  2. In the Settings window, select the Cognos Dashboard button.

  3. Enter a description and the Web address to connect to the Cognos Dashboard.

  4. Select Add Link to populate the Cognos Dashboard link in Links to Add.

  5. Select Add Links.

  6. A Links component is added to the dashboard with the Cognos Dashboard link.

If you are a Cognos report editor, you can link directly to the Cognos Dashboard to edit reports. Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication is used for Cognos reports. When first connecting to Cognos, there may be a delay due to authentication processes running in the background.

Job Monitor



  1. Select Job Monitor Component, then Add.

  2. A Job Monitor component is added to the dashboard

  3. Assign a unique name using the text field in the component header.

  • A Go to Jobs Archive link is automatically included in the Job Monitor component. When selected, available historical jobs are loaded in the Jobs Archive page. The From/To Date fields can be used to narrow down the returned results. Select a job from the menu tree to display the archived data. 

  • The user can display Cobol and workflow (or BT70) job output in PDF format on the Jobs Archive page.




  1. Select Task List Component, then Add.

  2. A Workflow Task List component is added to the dashboard and displays pending Workflow tasks (if any).

  • A link to the Workflow Tasklist page is automatically included in the component

  • Select a task from the Task List component to open the Workflow Tasks page.

  • If there are no pending tasks for the user logged in, they can access the Workflow Tasks page by selecting the Go to Workflow Tasklist link in the component to verify if there are pending Group Tasks.

CDD Folder



  1. Select CDD Folder Component, then Add.

  2. A component is added to the dashboard displaying the CDD folder structure as defined in the Administrative Console's CDD Folder Manager plugin.

  3. Assign a unique name using the text field in the component header.

  • A Go to CDD Archive link is automatically included in the CDD Folder component. When selected, available archived reports are loaded in the CDD Archive page. Select a report from the menu tree to display the archived data. 

Active Users



  1. Select Active Users Component, then Add.

  2. A component is added to the dashboard displaying the the user name and location of logged-in users.

  3. Assign a unique name using the text field in the component header.

Export Excel



  1. Select Export to Excel Component, then Add.

  2. An Export to Excel component is added to the dashboard and displays Mask and Report Name headings.

  3. Assign a unique name using the text field in the component header.

  • From a page mask, after completing an Export to Excel, select Pin to Dashboard.

  • Pinned reports are listed in the component.

  • Select a report, then in the popup select Run Report. Selection criteria and output columns are displayed in the popup.

Update Components

Elements within customizable components can be rearranged in Edit mode by selecting the item and moving it within the component. Use the Configure tool to add new elements. Select X to delete an item. 


To change the layout of the personal dashboard:

  1. Enable Edit mode.

  2. Click Select Layout.

  3. Select one of the six default layouts.

  4. Click OK.

  5. If needed, use the Move tool to rearrange components within the new layout.


To rename the personal dashboard:

  1. Enable Edit mode.

  2. Click Select Layout.

  3. Enter the new dashboard name in the Title field.

  4. Click OK.

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