Dashboard Overview
Access the Dashboard
Log In | On the BusinessPlus Login page, enter a valid username and password and press the Log In button. |
Sign Out | From the dashboard header menu, select the User Information icon and click Sign Out. If SSO Is enabled, then clicking on Sign Out returns to the Sign Out page where a link appears, to return to BusinessPlus. |
Forgot Password | The Forgot Password link is displayed on the BusinessPlus Login page. Enter the email address used to create the account to have your login information emailed to you. The Forgot Password functionality requires an active FORGOTLOGIN Workflow model and a valid email address in NU Manage Users (us_usno_mstr). If SSO is enabled:
Header & Sub-header
BusinessPlus Logo | Select the PowerSchool BusinessPlus logo to open the dashboard page. |
Help | Select the Help icon to open page-related information in a new browser window or tab. |
Search | Click the magnifying glass icon to open the search field. Enter a BusinessPlus mask. As information is entered, suggested results are displayed. To open a mask, select a suggested mask or press Enter in the search field. |
User Information | Contains the initials of the user currently signed in. Click the icon to display:
If SSO is enabled, Change Password does not appear because the Login is managed with an Identity Provider (IDP) such as Microsoft. In this case, change your password at the identity provider level. |
AppSwitcher Grid | Click the AppSwitcher icon to display links to available PowerSchool products. |
Menu | Click the menu icon to display the menu. Available menu options are based on user security permissions. |
Server ID | Informational sub-header field displays the name of the server currently logged in. |
Dashboard Work Space
Depending on security settings, users may have one or more dashboards. Each user has at least one dashboard: their personal workspace. Components on a personal dashboard can be customized by the user.
Personal Dashboard
Refer to Personal Dashboard Controls and Customize Personal Dashboard for details.
Multiple Dashboards
Refer to Multiple Dashboards for details.
Administrators with a WSEDITOR security association (refer to common code NUAS/WSEDITOR) can control dashboards by user security associations.
Access Pages
From the dashboard, to access pages:
Enter the mask name in the Search field.
Select the mask from the dashboard menu. Additional sub-menus may appear. Continue to select menus until the mask page opens.
Select mask links added to a dashboard Links component.
System alerts are displayed in different colors to indicate the type of alert. A brief description is often included.
Alert Color | Description |
Blue | Informational |
Green | Record Accepted |
Yellow/Orange | Warning |
Red | Error |