Export to Excel
Export to Excel allows users to generate customized reports in Excel format.
After you apply filters to retrieve the desired records for a specific mask, from the navigation menu select Export to Excel.
You can save the selected columns to reuse the same columns as a definition for future reports.
Column selections can be saved for each page to reuse while generating the report.
A maximum of nine definitions can be saved for each page.
Export Definitions are customizable. Each user can save customized definitions to meet their specific requirements.
Export to Excel is available from the toolbar on a page and opens a Run Excel Report panel.
Click Pin to Dashboard to link report definitions to the Excel Export component on the employee Dashboard.
You can execute pinned reports from the employee Dashboard.
Export to Excel
When the Export to Excel icon is selected, a Run Excel Report panel appears, containing:
A list of saved definitions: The saved definitions for the specific page are displayed under the Run Excel Report heading. Up to 9 definitions can be saved for each page. Click a saved definition from the list to generate the report.
Create button: To create, save, or load a new definition. Export to Excel child window is displayed to select the columns to generate the report. Also, save or load the definition to generate reports with the selected columns.
Remove button: Saved Export to Excel definitions can be deleted. Click Remove. The system will display a delete (X) icon next to the saved definitions. You can delete one or more definitions at a time. Select Yes on the confirmation window. To exit Remove mode, click Done.
Pin to Dashboard button: Pin the selected saved Export to Excel definition under the Export Excel component on the dashboard. You can select one or more definitions to be pinned on the dashboard. Click Done to apply changes. To exit the Pin to Dashboard mode, click Done.
Create a Report
Click the Create button to create a report.
The Export to Excel window appears. Two tabs exist. One is for table and column selection. The other is to save or load definitions.
Column Selection Tab
The Column Selection tab contains the Parent Datasource drop down field which represents the page that is being worked with. Under the Parent Datasource are two panels.
The left panel lists tables and columns that are available in the datasource. There are arrows next to the tables that open to a list of available columns. There are check boxes next to the tables. Columns can be selected individually when the list is open or all the columns can be selected by checking the box next to the high level table item.
The right panel contains the selected columns. They are listed in the order selected. The direction icon to the left of each selected column allows the column order to be changed. Each column can also be removed by clicking the item’s X.
Save/Load Definition Tab
The Save/Load Definition tab is where a new definition is named and saved and where existing definitions can be loaded.
To save a new definition, after selecting the columns on the previous tab, enter a descriptive name in the Name field. Click the Save Definition button. A success message will appear with the report name and the words Saved Successfully. Saved definitions will appear under the Run Excel Report panel between the left menu and the page.
Definition names need to be unique. The Name field allows only alphanumeric, spaces and underscores.
To load an existing definition, select the definition from the drop down list. Click the Load Definition button. The definition is now available for modification or running.
Remove a Report
To remove an existing definition report, click the Remove button. An X will appear to the right of each definition in the list. Click the X that represents the report to be removed. A window appears asking to Confirm Delete. Multiple reports can be deleted at the same time. When done with removing a definition, click Done.
Pin to Dashboard
Reports can be pinned to a personal dashboard using the Pin to Dashboard button. Click the Pin to Dashboard button. All the reports in the report list will display a checkbox. Click the checkbox of the reports to pin. Click Done when finished.
If the Excel Export Component is active on the user dashboard, the report displays the mask and the report name.
Dashboard Component - Export Excel
A component is available from the dashboard that enables executing of pinned excel reports. The reports displays the mask and report name.
Select the report to be executed. A Run Report to Excel window appears. Selection criteria and output columns are displayed. Selection criteria are based on the filter applied when the definition was saved. It can be modified through the free text field.
If a report is empty and you are expecting data, verify that the filter is correct.
Click Run Report to execute the report. To exit the window, click Close.