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Personal Dashboard Controls

Edit Dashboard




Enable Edit mode

Selecting this symbol displays the Edit functions

Undo Changes

Exit Edit mode without saving changes

Revert Changes

Reset layout to original

Save Changes

Save changes made to the dashboard

Select Layout

Opens the Task Center Details window to update dashboard layout and name


Delete current workspace

Add New Component

Opens the Add Component window where the user can select to add a Links, Job Monitor, Task List, CDD Folder, Active Users, or Text Editor component. If Links Component is selected, the Links Settings page opens from which the user can select to add Weblink, CDD or Cognos links. The Text Editor component allows the user to add text, images, and hyperlinks and format them as desired.

Edit Components




Browse Mode


Collapse component content


Expand component content


Displays component information


Select to refresh component

Edit Mode


Remove the component


Opens the Links Settings page to add links (on Links components only)


Click and drag the Move symbol to move the component to a new location


Remove Link

Removes an individual link

Job Monitor

Show Your/All Jobs

Toggle display of jobs launched by current user or all users. Selecting a job expands Job Details and Attachments sections. Users can filter jobs that were executed between a specific time range.

Cancel JobThis symbol appears next to the Status field to cancel a job. Note that classic jobs can only be cancelled if in “WF” or “In Progress” status, Workflow and BT70 jobs cannot be cancelled if in “In Progress” status, and CDD jobs can only be cancelled if the GUI-ID has been created for the report.

Page Controls

Used to browse jobs

Task List

In/Out of Office

Turn on/off Out of Office setting

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