User Documentation
User documentation for BusinessPlus is now available online by subsystem categories.
When viewing documentation within a subsystem, use the Documentation Home menu option to return to the documentation overview page, available within each subsystem.
Use the Search field to search content available within the current subsystem. No search results are returned for information hosted in other subsystems; use the Documentation Home menu option to navigate to other subsystems. Search options:
- Text string/match phrase — Enclose in double quotes (e.g., "extract validations" returns content that contains the words exactly as listed). Note that common words such as and, the, or, etc. are ignored, even if they are included within double quotes.
- OR operator (OR must be capitalized) to search one word or another (e.g., extract OR validations)
- AND operator (AND must be capitalized) to find all words (e.g., extract AND validations)
- NOT operator (NOT must be capitalized) to find one word but not the other (e.g., extract NOT validations will find content with the word extract but not the word validations)
BusinessPlus pages and common codes are hyperlinked throughout the documentation. Selecting the blue link takes the user to the content. Keep in mind that the linked page may be hosted in a different subsystem (e.g., common code information is stored within the Systems/Nucleus subsystem). If you do not wish to navigate away from the current subsystem, right-click the link to open the page in a new browser tab/page.
In general, documentation for each BusinessPlus module is organized by Definitions, Procedures, Processes, Pages and Setup.