Account Information - ARUPAC
The Accounts Receivable (AR) Account Information (ARUPAC) page stores customer related information, such as Category assignments, Term Category assignments, Coded Calculation assignments, and Third-Party Billing addresses. When a new customer (Account ID) has a transaction generated, the system creates the Account Information record automatically. The only update that may be required would be to assign or adjust category codes, calculation codes, or billing address records.
The other option is to input a new Account Information record manually. An example of when you might do this is if you needed to assign a calculation code assignment for a customer who has not been billed before. The Account ID (PE ID) must first be defined in the Person/Entity database.
Since Account Information Records are typically generated automatically when a transaction is distributed to the AR database, there is very little actual work or maintenance required for this page. Based on the categories defined in the AR General Information (ARUPGN) page and the associated code values assigned to them, most required fields will be populated automatically by the system.
The number of Calc Code Assignment records is unlimited and are not term specific. As long as the calculation codes have been created in the AR Code Definitions page, assign as many to an Account ID as needed. Each Calculation Code record is stored as its own record.
Use of the Responsible ID tab is optional. When the new account Information record is automatically generated, a record is created in this tab where the Account ID is automatically related to itself. If you need different address details to print on invoices or statements additional assignments are made here. The only setup requirement would be the Account ID (PE ID) and address code assignment, in the PE Information (PEUPPE) page.
The main window in the AR Account Information page contains the customer information. The Account Categories sub tab will also be displayed. To utilize this page properly, categories need to be defined in the AR General Information page, and codes should be defined in the AR Code Definitions page.
Since records are typically generated automatically, the system will take you to the first record upon entry.
Account ID: This is the customer's PE ID. Use the Lookup button to add a new Account ID or look up an existing ID in the Person/Entity (PE) Information database. Account IDs are defined using the PE Information page.
Account Name: Echo field that displays account/customer name for Account ID as defined in PE database.
Status: This field contains a drop-down box that lists the available status codes that can be selected. These are defined in AR Code Definitions.
Override Address: Drop-down box that lists the available address codes for the Account ID that can be selected. This code will only be used on invoices and statements if the Address Override box is set to A in the AR General Information page.
Print a Bill? Check box used to indicate the Account ID should always receive a bill. This box defaults with a checkmark.
Ledger: Select the ledger code to be used for the record. This field cannot be accessed for editing an existing record.
Credit Limit: This field contains credit limit information for the Account. This is only used for reporting purposes.
Balance: A system-generated, display-only field showing the current Account Balance for the customer. The value includes the sum of all transaction related to the Account ID and ledger. The sum does not include taxes, duties, shipping or other fees. So, if comparing the total to the account's transactions within ARUPTR, where ARUPTR includes these miscellaneous charges, expect a variance.
Full Time? This field is used to flag the Account as a full-time student.
External ID: This field is used to store the taxpayer ID of the person or entity claiming the student loan interest deduction.
Adjusted Balance: This display-only field shows the current Adjusted Balance for the Account. This field is populated by using a calculation based on the Account balance, less transactions with any divisions excluded in AR General Information.
Graduate? This field is used to flag the individual tied to this account as a graduate student.
Account Categories Tab
Once a category has been assigned in the AR General Information (ARUPGN) page, it will then appear on the Account Categories tab. The only other setup requirement is to assign category codes to each category value. The purpose of this tab is to assign category and numeric category code values to an Account ID (customers).
Category descriptions are displayed based on the codes defined. The drop-down lists the category values that can be selected. Numeric category values are assigned as needed and numeric values will not need to be defined in advance.
Value 1 – 6: Drop-down boxes that list the available category code values that can be selected for assignment.
Numeric Values 1 – 6: Numeric values that can be associated with Numeric Categories.
Term Categories Tab
Once a term category has been assigned in the ARUPGN page and a Code Value is assigned to it in the AR Code Definitions (ARUPCD) page, they will appear on the Term Categories tab on the ARUPAC page.
The Term Category code needs to be set up for each term category value to be assigned. The purpose of this tab is to assign term category and numeric term category code values to an Account ID (customers). The user can either select an Account ID that already exists in the system or add a new Account ID and Term record.
Term Category descriptions are displayed based on the code setup, along with a drop-down listing of the term category values that can be selected. Numeric term category values are assigned as needed; they do not need to be defined in advance.
Term: Drop-down box that lists the available term codes that can be selected for assignment. When in find mode the system will list a record for each term distributed to AR for the customer.
Status: Drop-down box that lists the available term codes that can be selected for assignment.
Value 1 – 6: Drop-down boxes that list the available term category codes that can be selected for assignment.
Numeric Values 1 –6: Numeric values that can be associated with numeric term categories.
Calc Code Assignment Tab
Once Coded Calculations have been defined in the ARUPCD page, the Calculation Code field is populated and made available for assignment in the Calc Code Assignment tab.
When assignment is made to an Account ID (customer), the calculation code assigned as well as the account-specific assignments, e.g., transaction description, code start/end dates, and calculated values. This is the piece that makes coded calculations versatile: a single code can be defined, but the details are account/customer specific. Note that one Account ID can have multiple Calc Code Assignments.
Calculation Code: Drop-down box that lists the available calculation codes that can be selected. The codes displayed validate to ARUPCD.
Specific Description: This field represents the description that will appear on the new transaction generated by the calculation code process.
Active: Check box that indicates if this calculation code assignment is active. If left blank the system assumes the assignment is active.
Values for CALC.VALn > Values 1 – 6: Based on the Calculated Value assigned in the coded calculation setup, descriptions will be displayed here. The value fields are where the numeric assignments are made.
Start Date: Standard date box used to indicate when the calc code assignment becomes active. The system will compare this date to the date the coded calculation process is run.
End Date: Standard date box used to indicate when the calc code assignment ends. The system will compare this date to the date the coded calculation process is run.
Last Calc Date: When processing the code or coded calculation (ARSPCL), you have the option to assign the last date calculated. This field determines whether the coded calculation is processed the next time this special function is run.
Responsible ID Tab
The Responsible ID tab is used to assign an additional PE ID to an Account ID, where the new PE ID indicates the name and address details printed on any subsequent invoices or statements. Primary Account IDs are always assigned to themselves when a transaction is first distributed to Accounts Receivable. Any PE ID assigned on this tab must exist in the Person/Entity database. To ensure the correct name and address detail print on any invoices or statements, the responsible attributes must be defined on the invoice or statement format.
Responsible ID: Enter the ID or use the Lookup to attach the PEID of the responsible party.
Print a Bill? Check box used to indicate if this responsible assignment should have a bill printed.
Billing Group: The billing group code is used to tie different responsible IDs together. These codes can then be referenced during the invoice or statement process. This function allows the grouping of similar billing types together.
Term Association: A Lookup that lists the available term codes that can be selected. This is used when a responsible association is for one term only. Leave the field blank if the association should cross all terms.
Override Address: Drop-down box that lists the available address codes for the Account ID that can be selected. This code will only be used on invoices and statements if the Address Override box is set to R in the AR General Information page.