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Aged by Division Code - ENREENAD

'as of' date to be used for aging: Enter an As Of date to be used for aging.
Four age ranges: Aging ranges to be used when preparing the report. The system assumes an aging of 0-60 days, 61-90 days, 91-120 days, and over 120 days. To change the aging to a different range, key in the desired number of days.
Selection Criteria: Selection Criteria can be used to determine which Encumbrance transactions will be included on the report. Expand the Selection Criteria to display the options and enter selection criteria. If asterisks ( * ) appear to the left of an option, these items (when selected alone) will provide the information more rapidly than other selection items.
Would you like to include Disencumbered Ref's? Since disencumbered POs have a status of DE or FP and are never included as encumbrance balances in the General Ledger, it is recommended that "No" be the response to this prompt. Check the box (Yes) to view all encumbered and disencumbered amounts. An encumbered amount is any Purchase Order that is open or has partial payments applied against it. A disencumbered Purchase Order is a Purchase Order that has been liquidated with a status of FP for full payment. Disencumbered amounts do not appear in the General Ledger, while encumbered amounts that are open or have partial payments will appear.  When selecting disencumbered amounts in the Encumbrance system, BusinessPlus will display the difference between what the Purchase Order was encumbered for and what the full and partial payments against the amount were. If the disencumbered amount is negative, Accounts Payable issued a payment for an amount greater than the amount originally encumbered. If the disencumbered amount is positive, Accounts Payable issued a payment for an amount less than the amount originally encumbered.


How do you want dollars formatted? Enter the three-character code to set how you would like to see dollar amounts formatted for this report.
Which Negative Amount Format to use: Enter the two-digit code for the negative amount format to use:

  • "00" – Use minus sign (e.g., -327698)
  • "01" – Use negative brackets (e.g., [32768])
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