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Associated Assignments

When category and term values are set up, they can be applied to Account IDs. In order for an Account ID to reside in the AR database, that ID first must be in the PE database. To access the Associated Assignments page, access PEUPPE. Assign the Account ID (PE ID) values if different from that of the default values.

Next, enter or update Category Assignments that define a receivable account in ARUPAC. The assignment page can also be populated by the set process. The set process in the AR set page will warn that the ID does not exist in the AR database. To pass this warning, press enter a second time and the ID will be defined with the default values to the assignment page. The definition does not take place until the set is distributed.

If no transactions have been entered for any receivable accounts, then initially there will be no account category assignments to view at this page. To create a new Category Assignment, first enter in the Account ID for the desired account. Account IDs are synonymous with PE IDs held in the PEDB of the BusinessPlus subsystem.

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