Category Update - RCUPCT
The Recurring Calculations (RC) Category Update (RCUPCT) page is used to define the input and output categories used by Recurring Calculations. WARNING: These entries should not be modified except under direction from PowerSchool.
Screen Header
The screen header is used to create or select the Category.
Category: The name of the Category. The Category must be no longer than 20 characters, use only alphanumeric characters, and may not start with a number.
Type: Identifies the Category as being used for selecting data (Input) or writing out data (Output).
Description: A description of what the Category is selecting or writing out to.
BT20 Table: The table name, in BT20 format, the Category is selecting or writing out to. For input Categories, this should be the primary table from which data is selected. Other joined tables should be added in the Details grid. For output Categories, this should be the detail table that is being populated. Corresponding master tables should be referenced in the Details grid.
Date Property: If the BT20 Table for the Category has a primary date field that may be selected on or required to be written out to, this field property should be entered here
The Details tab joins other tables to the BT20 Table for the Category. E.g. For input Categories, "Org Key" fields should be joined to the GLKKeyMaster Key field. E.g., for output Categories, the "Batch Id" fields should be joined to the "Batch Id" fields in the master tables.
Sequence: The order in which the details will be listed in the grid.
From Property: The property in the BT20 Table for the Category to join from.
To BT20 Table: The table, in BT20 Format, to join to.
To Property: The property, in the "To BT20 Table" to join to.
This tab allows miscellaneous information to be related to a Category.
Table: The table name, in BT20 format, for which this association applies. This may be the Category BT20 Table or any joined tables.
Column: A property, for the table, for which this association applies.
Code: The type of association to apply to the table and column. The following types of associations are currently available:
BALFWD | Ignore this column when summarizing |
DEFAULT | Default literal value for this column |
GLGR | Default this column to the current GL Ledger Code |
IGNORE | Ignore this column when summarizing |
JLGR | Default this column to the current JL Ledger Code |
REQUIRED | Column is required |
SETDESC | Identifies the Set Description column |
SETID | Identifies the Set ID column |
SUM | Column is always summed |
USERID | Default this column to current User ID |
Description: A description of the association.