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Converting Non-Comp Set - ARUTNC

Like most BusinessPlus set files, the AR/CR set file definition describes certain numeric fields as "COMP." The COMP (or computational) format compresses a numeric value into a smaller field instead of using a single byte to store each ASCII numeric. Using this format, a number that would traditionally take up 18 bytes is compressed into only eight bytes.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult for external programs/processes to create this COMP values if you desire is to create an AR/CR set file from an external source. To allow more flexibility for such interfaces, a new utility is available that converts a NON-COMP set file to a standard AR/CR set file (with COMP fields).

The NON-COMP set file format is identical to the standard AR/CR set file format, except that all of the amount fields have been expanded beyond their traditional COMP size. For example, the AR/CR set quantity field is defined as: "B01-QTYPIC S9(13)V9(5) COMP," but only takes up eight bytes in the set file. Using the NON-COMP format, this field becomes "B01-QTYPIC X(18)" allowing up to 18 digits (including the decimal) for the value.

Because of this change, the overall record length for the NON-COMP set file is somewhat larger than a true AR/CR set file. Interface files written in the NON-COMP format require 786 bytes per record.


  • CR set files can optionally only post to the GL database, in which case the B01-ACCT-CC and B01-ACTERM-CC items are not required.
  • B01-REF is only required for AR, B01-REF2 is only required for CR.
  • The B01-BANK-ID, B01-BANK-SLIP, and B01-BANK-DT fields are only required by CR set files, and only then if an optional setting is turned on in the AR General Information page.
  • If left blank, the set-USER-ID will default to the USER-ID of the user running the interface.
  • The set-POSTED-FLAGS will always be set to blank, the set-FORMS-NAME will always be set to "ARset," and the set-DELETE-FLAG will always be set to zero.

Additional Defaults:

  • GL/JL Ledger codes will default to user's current ledger codes.
  • If Bank ID is blank and the transaction type is "CR," then the Bank ID will be derived based on the Bank ID/Check ID preferences (GLUTSPCK).
  • If the Posting Code is blank, then it will be derived using the appropriate posting strategies in GLUTSPSI.
  • B01-QTY will be set to "1" and B01-PRINT-AMT will be set to the B01-DIST-AMT if both are set to zero.
  • The B01-set-ID will default to the set filename if left blank.
  • The Prep ID will default to the user's initials if left blank.
  • Transaction format defaults to "NB."

The B01-REF-AMT and B01-TAPE-TOTAL will be recalculated automatically.
Reverse the sign for CRs in the B01-ORIG-AMT, B01-PRIN-AMT, and B01-DIST-AMT fields.
QTY: 5
Date Format: MMDDCCYY
The B01-SEP-FLAG use an input file with four characters for the Separate Billing Flag.
For ARs, the B01-REF represents the invoice number and is required. The B01-REF2 should be left blank.
For CRs, the B01-REF2 represents the cash receipt number and is required. The B01-REF field should be blank, unless the payment applies to an existing outstanding invoice number.


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