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Create AR Set from JE Set - ARSPAJ

This function will create an AR batch from a JE batch. The system will look for a Finance Code of JEAR for override. If the JE ID on the JE batch is ARDIFFINV, each invoice number on the resulting AR batch will be a different system-generated number. If the JE ID on the JE batch is something else, each invoice number on the resulting AR batch will be the same for entries that had the same JE ID. This mapping may be done for all entries or only those entries with a certain AP Miscellaneous Code. On each transaction processed, the system will search for a Finance Code of JEARxxxx; where xxxx is the Miscellaneous Code on the AP record. If no entry is found, the system will then search for a Finance Code of APAR. If a Finance Code is found, the resulting AR transaction will contain the Account Key, Object, Division, Posting, and Miscellaneous Code specified on the retrieved Finance Code.

Set name for resulting transactions: Enter the name for resulting transactions.
Name of your Journal Entries Set: Enter the name of your Journal Entry Set.
Ledger Side: Enter the two-character code that represents the side of the ledger to which this request relates. The sid refers to the General Ledger vs. the Job Ledger.
Term Code for the new transactions: Enter the term code that corresponds to the newly created AR batch.
Which entries should be extracted from the JE Set?: Select which entries should be extracted from the JE Batch. The response to this question determines what type of entries are extracted from the J/E Batch File.
Which Journal Entries should be represented a s negative AR Amounts?: Select "Credit Entries" if credit amounts in the J/E Batch File should be represented as negative amounts in the A/R Batch. Select "Debit Entries" if debit amounts in the J/E Batch File should be represented as negative amounts in the A/R Batch.
How should the PE ID number be determined?: Each transaction in the A/R Batch File MUST be associated with a PE ID number. Select one of the following to determine which method to use to extract the PE ID from the AR Batch file. This will then be used as the Account ID.
DS - "Last Token of Description" - To use the last token in the description as the PE ID.
GL - "Org Key" - To use an element from the GL Org. Key, such as the Org Key, a Key Part, Select Code or a Miscellaneous Code associated with the Organization Key, or if the GL Account Key on the transaction should be used as the AR Account Number.
JL - "Project" - To use an element from the JL Org. Key, such as the Org Key, a Key Part, Select Code or a Miscellaneous Code associated with the Organization Key, or if the JL Account Key on the transaction should be used as the AR Account Number. If the JE transaction has no related JL Account Key, the GL Account Key will be assumed.
PE - "PE ID" - The journal entry PE ID.
GM - "Grant Management Sponsor Code" - Use the Sponsor Code from the Proposal/Project defined in the Grant Management Database that is connected to the GL Org. Key found on the journal entry.
If you select org key or project, a personalized list of miscellaneous codes, background parts, and select codes will appear for you to select.
Select how the transaction reference number is to be generated: Determine what value to use when generating an AR Reference/Invoice. When you select "System Unique Reference" you are then prompted for the seed. Enter the system seed prefix or use the default of "SYSTEM."
Generate a new AR Invoice for each new: When a system generated invoice number is used, the system will generate a new unique invoice number every time the listed data element changes and/or the Customer Account ID changes within the AR Batch file. This has the impact of generating a separate Invoice number for each different item. For example, each different JL Key in the JE batch will be assigned a different invoice number.
For AR Desc., Selected one of the following Description Methods: This question directs the conversion process to use the selected item for generating the AR transaction description:
GK – Use Org Key Description
GO – Use Object Description
JE – Use JE Description
JK – Use Project Description
JO – Use Account Description

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