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Create or Update Set - ENBTUB

The Encumbrances (EN) Create/Update Set (ENBTUB) page is used to enter Encumbrance transactions into a set, for distribution into the Encumbrance database. Encumbrances are associated with a Purchase Order and/or Purchase Requisition using this page. In this set, all relevant information about the Purchase Order will be entered, such as Quantity @ Unit Cost to be encumbered, the vendor to whom the Purchase Order has been created, and the general ledger account numbers to encumber. All encumbered purchase order information, once distributed, can be reflected in the general ledger database as "encumbered" amounts against the given account number.

Set Tab

Set ID: Up to 16 characters that uniquely identify a "set" of transactions. Using the Ctrl+T keyboard combination, or using the ellipsis (…) button to the right of the field, will generate an automatic Set ID, if a seed value has been defined in NU Common Codes (NUUPCD), with a Code Category/Value of SYNO/BTCHIDEN.

User Set Total: The user-derived total of all transaction records to be entered within the Set ID.

Create Date: System-derived (display-only) field showing the date of creation.

Create User: System-derived (display-only) User ID of the person who created the set.

Last Update Date: System-derived (display-only) field showing the date of the last update.

Update User: System-derived (display-only) User ID of the person who previously updated the set.

Set Type: System-derived (display-only) field showing a two-character code that indicates the type of set and defaults to EN for Encumbrance.

Status: System-derived (display-only) field showing a two-character code that indicates the status of the set. Upon set creation, this field will be set to "BE". When the set is posted to the general ledger, the status will then change to "DS".

System Totals: System-derived (display-only) values for the Set Total, Reference Count, and Record Count of data entered into the Set ID.

Transactions Tab

Reference: Up to 16 characters that uniquely identify a set of transactions within the Set ID. Using the Lookup function will generate an automatic Set ID if a seed value has been defined in common code SYNO/ENREFor /PO.XXXXXXX used in the PO database.

Vendor ID: Enter the Vendor (PE) ID or use the Lookup function. PE IDs are defined on the Person/Entity Information (PEUPPE) page.

Reference Date: Enter the date of the reference. Dates may be entered as MMDDYY, MM/DD/YY, MMDDYYYY, or MM/DD/YYYY. The reference date repeats on subsequent forms that relate to the same reference.

User Reference Total: Enter the amount of the reference.

System Reference Total: This display-only field indicates system-generated totals of the amounts entered under each reference number.

Main Tab

Account: A general ledger (GL) account string must be keyed into this field. If the Job Ledger (JL) module is used and this transaction relates to an account in the JL, enter a JL account number. The format of the account string field is derived from the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, Presentation tab. 

  • XX Org Key-Object or Fully Qualified (where XX=ledger code): Select this option or press Ctrl+K to display the ledger's organization key and object code input format. Use Ctrl+U to display the fully qualified account string format.

  • XX Quick (where XX=ledger code): The Ctrl+Q option allows changes to the display and the lookup to accommodate quick key entry for account numbers that have been defined in the GL Quick Account Numbers (GLUPQU) page.

  • Show Ledger: Selecting this option shows the ledger code field in the account field, to identify or change the ledger.

  • Show Job Ledger Side: Selecting this option displays the JL side ledger code and account string field associated with the active general ledger.

  • Show Work Order: Selecting this option displays the Work Order field. The Work Order number must exist in the Work Order module, if the Validate Work Order box is checked on the GL Ledger Definition (GLUPGN) page, Presentation tab.

Description: Enter up to 30 characters that describe this distribution transaction. This is typically entered as a description of the item being expensed.

Type: The default type is EN to indicate an encumbrance. Other types include PP for a partial payment, FP for a full payment and DE for disencumbered. The PP and FP types are generally applied during Accounts Payable to indicate payment amounts. PPs and "FP"s reduce the encumbered amounts. DE indicates a closed Purchase Order.

Quantity: This field contains the number of units, such as 10.

Unit Price: This field contains a per unit price, such as 123.98.

Tax 1 and 2 and Tax Amount 1 and 2: The "Tax Code" part of these two fields is used by the system to calculate a Tax Amount, such as a Sales Tax. Codes available in the drop-down list are defined on the NUUPCD page, with a Category Code of SYTX.

When a code is entered in this field, the system locates this code in the NU Common Codes file and uses the first Associated Numeric Value as the percent to be multiplied times the Distribution amount to determine this Tax amount. The tax code field is also used in the automatic creation of Use Tax entries within the Set.

Charge and Charge Amount: The Charge Cd part of these two fields is used to have the system automatically calculate a Charge Amt, such as a shipping charge. The amount of the standard charge to be paid is derived from common codes, with a Code Category of SYCH. When a code is entered into this field, the system locates this code in the common codes file and uses the first Associated Numeric Value as the percentage to be multiplied times the Distribution amount to determine the Charge amount.

Duty and Duty Amount: The Duty Code part of these two fields is used to have the system automatically calculate a Duty Amount, such as an Import Duty. The amount of the standard Duty to be paid is derived from common codes, with a Code Category of SYDU. When a code is entered into this field, the system locates this code in the common codes file and uses the first Associated Numeric Value as the percent to be multiplied times the Distribution amount to determine the Duty amount.

Disc. Terms and Disc. Amount: Discount terms are entered with up to four characters to the right of the decimal point. For example, .0275 represents a 2.75% discount. The amount of the discount is computed by the system.

Extended Amount: This display-only field represents the total dollar amount of the units from the fields above.

Due Date: The date after which this Purchase Order is considered overdue. If left blank, the system will automatically use the Purchase Order Date. This date may be entered in MMDDYY, MM/DD/YY, MMDDYYYY, or MM/DD/YYYY format. This field will not closeout an encumbrance; it is simply for notation purposes.

Relate To (1-2): Each transaction may have up to two Relate To Codes that are used to specify the transaction's relationship to other systems.  Codes available for selection in the drop-down list have are defined on NUUPCD, with a Category Code/Value of RT01/XX.  For the second Relate To Code field, do the same thing with the exception of the Code Category being RT02. The system may be installed with certain Relate To Code values already defined. Do not delete these values.

Second Ref: Up to 16 characters of additional information regarding the encumbrance. A common use for this field is entering manually prepared Purchase Order numbers.

Division: Select the code of the division to which the transaction relates. Code values available for selection have been defined on the EN Division Update (ENUPDV) page.

Division Codes are used to logically-divide the EN database into groups of transactions (sub-ledgers). These groupings are useful for aged analysis, separate reporting needs, and many other important functions such as the manner in which the system is to automatically-post entries to the general ledger.

Product ID: Enter the Product ID or use the Lookup function by using the Ctrl+L keyboard combination or clicking on the field's ellipsis. Product IDs are defined on the Product Information (PEUPPR) page.

Misc: When transactions are entered into the Encumbrance system, each transaction may have an optional Miscellaneous Code associated with it. Miscellaneous Codes are four-character codes used for a variety of purposes. For example, it may be helpful to put a Miscellaneous Code of "HAZM" on all EN transactions that relate to the purchase of hazardous materials. These Miscellaneous Codes are "free form".

Misc Tab

Transaction Format: Select the static system code that directs the manner in which the description, as it would appear in the general ledger, is to be created by the system. The following describes each possible Transaction Format code and its meaning:


GL Transaction description consists of :


PE ID, followed by a blank, 15 characters of the PE name


15 characters of PE name, followed by a blank, then PE ID


PE ID, a blank, and description (name if desc blank)


PE name, a blank, and description


The full name of the Person or Entity


Full Description

PR #: Up to an eight-digit Purchase Request Number associated with the Purchase Order (if any).

Posting Code: Reserved for future use.

PR Item #: Up to a four-digit Purchase Request Item Number associated with the Purchase Order (if any).

Pay Type: This field is to be used with account-level disencumbering only. When making a partial payment against a PO (type = PP) there are two options. If a "PP" is placed in this field, the payment is applied against this account as usual and the amount is subtracted from the account's balance. If a "FP" is placed in this field, the account is considered disencumbered and the balance for this account/PO combination will be zero. The PO is still considered open with all other accounts within the PO unaffected. To make a final payment and close the PO, one must use a FP in the "TYPE" field as usual.

Posting Date: Reserved for future use.

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