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Deferred Charges - ARUPEEDC

Deferred Charges in the Accounts Receivable system operate by future dating selected charges. During the distribution of AR charges, the system examines each transaction and determines whether a payment plan exists for the type of charge. If so, the charge amount is split into "N" (new transactions) and each transaction amount is 1/Nth of the original amount. A possible exception to this is the first charge. If the system is unable to split the transaction amount evenly, an appropriate rounding routine adjusts the amounts. The date on the new transactions is adjusted as specified in the payment plan definition.

A temporary AR Batch is created by the Deferred Charges process and the temporary file distributed. The original AR Batch is not changed in any way. The Reference Date on the new transactions is adjusted as specified in the Deferred Charges definition. If the Due Date is entered on the original batch file transaction, it will also be adjusted as specified in the Deferred Charges definition. If the results of the payment plan are not as expected, simply UNDO the batch, change the payment plan definition, and redistribute.

The Accounts Receivable system, by default, expands transactions based on the Deferred Charge defined during distribution. During the process, it is possible to override this default. It is also possible to request Deferred Charges Expansion in Batch Proof format only. AR Batch Proofs show the Deferred Charges Expansion, so this can be used to verify the Plan.

Plan Code: Identifies the payment plan. The Plan Code may not start with a number.
Description: A description of the payment plan.
Priority: Enter the priority for analysis of this Deferred Charge. This may be a number from 0 to 99.
Status: Enter "A" for Active or "I" for Inactive. Payment Plans with a status of "I" are ignored.
Ledger: Enter the GL or JL side Ledger Code for which this plan is to be defined ("@@" may be used to make the plan valid for all ledgers).
Selection Class: Enter the Selection Class ID that identifies the subset of transactions that should be expanded. This field is optional. However, if left blank, the transaction must be identified as related to this deferred charge at the time of data entry.
Start Date & Code: The formal beginning of the payment plan. If this date is left blank and "TRNS" is entered to the right of the date (a floating payment plan), the system will use the Reference Date as the beginning of the payment plan. "TERM" may also be entered in this field if the start date is to relate to the start of the term in which the debt is incurred.
Number of Periods: The number of transactions that will exist after the transaction has been expanded. This number may be from 0 to 99999.
Period is: This field determines the date span between each transaction. The period can be specified as any combination of years, months, weeks, and days (e.g., 1 month 2 weeks 3 days). The word "EVERY" is treated the same as "1". If the date span between transactions is not consistent, dates can be manually entered in the twelve boxes to the left. Box 1 is automatically copied from the Start Date. Floating payment plans cannot use these twelve boxes.
Other Periods Override Dates & Codes: If the date span between transactions is not consistent, dates can be manually entered in these twelve boxes. Box 1 is automatically copied from the Start Date. Floating payment plans, however, cannot use these twelve boxes.
Override Calculation for first charge?: Normally, the system spreads the transaction amount evenly (or, as evenly as possible) over the new expanded transaction. Check this box if a special adjustment must be made to the first transaction. The Percent/Minimum/Maximum fields are ignored unless this box is checked. After the first charge is calculated, the balance is spread over the remaining transactions.
Percent: The value entered in this field is multiplied by the original transaction amount to arrive at the amount for the first charge. The percentage must be greater than zero and less than 100.
Minimum: If the result of the percentage calculation is below the number entered in this field, the amount is set to the amount specified in this field.
Maximum: If the result of the percentage calculation is above the number entered in this field, the amount is set to the amount specified in this field.
Unique by Term?: Check this box if the Term on the batch should be used for all of the transactions created by the batch expansion. Leave this box unchecked if the original transaction Term should be used.
Payment Fixed?: Reserved for future use.
Set Due Date?: Check this box if the Due Date is to be set by Deferred Charges processing. Leave unchecked if the Due Date is to be left blank on the transaction.
Force date to start of plan?: Check this box if the date of the first transaction should be set to the date specified in the Start Date field. Leave this box unchecked if the date of the original transaction should be retained.
Summarize All Transactions on Plan? (For Selection Class Deferred Charge Plans only): Check this box if ALL selected batch entries referenced by a Deferred Charge Definition are to be combined into a single set of charges. Leave unchecked if each selected batch entry is to create its own set of charges.

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