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Deposit Clerk - ARBTCRCLDC

General Cash Log Process Explained

The person performing the role as entry clerk enters a record for each AR Transaction consisting of the check source (Acct ID), Check Amount, and Check No. This is performed using the initial entry form (ARBTCRCLEC). The clerk has the option of setting the status to either "ARCL" or "APRV."

If the status is set to "ARCL," the person performing the role of AR clerk logs into the Account Details page (ARBTCRCLAC) and enters the account information. Note: The person making the changes in the Account Details form will not be allowed to save or approve the information on this form if they are the one performing the role of entry clerk. This allows for information integrity.

Once the account information is complete, the AR clerk can set the status to "APRV," sending it to the next step in the process. The last person that handles AR Cash Logging performs the following steps. They log into the ARBTCRCLDC (Deposit Clerk) form and, using the paper receipts and CDD reports, verifies the information for correctness. If correct, the deposit clerk executes the utility build set of deposits. The status is then set to "DEP." At this point, the process follows the standard BusinessPlus CR Set process in set proofing, distribution of the CR Set and deposit.

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