Distribute Set - CR and GL - ARBTCRDS
When the contents of a C/R batch file are correct, this option provides a means to update the AR with the new charges, and issues the required posting to the General Ledger database. This procedure generates the following reports:
- Batch Proof Listing
- CR Distribution Report
- Report of entries added to the AR database
- CR posting to G/L Report
- GL Audit Report
Please enter the name of your CR Set: Enter the name of the CR set file.
Posting date in MM/DD/CCYY format: Enter the posting date that will be used for distribution. The system will default to the current date.
Would you like the Set Proof in short format? A "Y" or "YES" will print a batch proof with one line per transaction. Reply "N" or "NO" for multiple lines per transaction.
How would you like the set proof sorted? Select a two-character code from the list to designate the method for sorting the batch proof. Options displayed in Capitals denote Client defined GL Key Parts, GL Object Groups, JL Key Parts and JL Object Groups.
- 01 Account ID
- 02 Account Name
- 03 Finance Code
- 04 Pay Type (CR Sets Only)
- 05 Posting Code
- 11 FUND
- 15 BOARD
- 30 JOB
- 52 AR Reference Number
- 53 Cash Receipt #
- 54 Bank ID
Sorting allows the user to "group" information as desired. Sorting DOES NOT determine what information will be shown; Selection Criteria does this. Sorting determines the order in which the information will be shown. For each sort level requested, enter the menu number corresponding to the sort item. The sort hierarchy is processed left-to-right, with the left-most item referenced being the major sort; the right-most item is the minor sort. Usually the major sort item is a field associated with the PE ID and not a detail field.
Print Total Lines for which sort level? If sorting on multiple fields, enter the level at which the system is to start showing total lines. All levels above the one specified will automatically show totals. Enter '00' for a GRAND TOTAL only report. For example, if the report was requested with a SORT of 2,10,20 (Object within Project within Name): Respond 'l' for totals for each Name. Respond '2' for totals for each Project and Name. Respond "3" for totals for each Object, Project, and Name. Respond '0' for a Grand Total report only.
On what level would you like page breaks? If sorting on multiple fields, enter the level at which the system is to enter page breaks.
Warn on Reference Totals? Selecting "Yes" will result in the system analyzing transactions to detect if a reference amount is out of balance, and print a warning on the set proof. A selection of "No" will result in the system not printing any out-of-balance reference total warnings.
Distribute 'In Transit' or 'In Bank' (T/B): Enter "T" for In Transit, or "B" for In Bank.
Would you like errors only on the set proof? Selecting "Yes" will result in the system printing only the detected batch errors on the batch proof. A selection of "No" will result in the standard set proof printing.