Encumbrance Debug Report- ENREDR
Ledger Side: Enter the two-character code that represents the Side of the ledger to which this request relates. The Side refers to the General Ledger versus Job Ledger.
Which Reference (PO or PR) do you want to report on? Enter the PO (or PR if applicable) in response to the question.
Limit the report to select 1 account number only? Enter "Y" if you only want one specific account number to be reported on with this reference.
Which Specific Key would you like to report? (Required) If you entered "Y" for the question, "Limit the report to select 1 account number only," specify the Key in the account number here.
Which Specific Object would you like to report? (Required) If you entered "Y" for the question, "Limit the report to select 1 account number only," specify the Object in the account number here.
Option below: Data gathered by the report can be saved for comparison with data gathered by the report in another run. Asterisks will appear in front of fields in the report which no not match the compared data.
- 00 – Do not save or compare data
- 01 – Save data for later comparison
- 02 – Compare data to saved data
- 03 – Save and compare data
(Would you like to specify a date range? Enter "Y" to enter a date range. The default date range is from the origination date in the ENS-STATUS-MSTR to the current date. If you are only interested in one fiscal year, or if you think the origination date may be incorrect, of if you are interested in activity after today's date, enter a date range to force the report to include activity in the date range you want.
Would you like to include GL accumulators? To exclude GL accumulator records from the report, enter "Y." Note: GL accumulator records are extremely useful in most application of this report.
Do you want to exclude sections of report? Default is (No). Check the box (Yes) and options appear to include common codes, EN status mstr and EN acct mstr records, ENT-TTL-DTL (EN accumulators), and EN detail transactions.