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Export or Import Recurring Calc - RCUTER

Do you want to Import or Export a Recurring Calculation: Select "E" to export, or "I" to Import.
Calculation you wish to Export: This question prompt appears when the question, "Do you want to Import or Export a Recurring Calculation," is answered with E(Export). Enter the recurring calculation to export.
Name of the export file that will be created: This question prompt appears when the question, "Do you want to Import or Export a Recurring Calculation," is answered with E(Export). Enter the name of the export file to be created.
Calculation to import, blank defaults to code in input file: This question prompt appears when the question, "Do you want to Import or Export a Recurring Calculation," is answered with I(Import).
File name containing import data: This question prompt appears when the question, "Do you want to Import or Export a Recurring Calculation," is answered with I(Import). Enter the name of the file to import.
Do you want to overwrite existing calculation: This question prompt appears when the question, "Do you want to Import or Export a Recurring Calculation," is answered with I(Import). Answer Yes or No to overwrite the existing calculation.

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