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Flat File Interface - ENUTFI

This utility is used to read a predefined interface set and place encumbrance entries in the ENDB.

Would you like the Short Format?: Enter "Y" to receive the one-line format of the report. Enter "N" to receive the verbose format which displays all information available for this option.
Enter the name of the Flat File: A Set File Name must begin with an alphabetic letter and may contain up to eight characters. In deciding on a naming convention for Set Files, it would be desirable to create a format that will accomplish the following objectives: Identify who created the file; identify the system to which the file belongs; identify the month and day on which the file was first created; and finally, uniquely identify the file within other files.
For example, name your files according to the following example: IIssMddN

  • II = Initials of the file creator
  • ss = System ID code (e.g., AP, OH, PY, EN, etc.)
  • M = Month number, with A=10, B=11 & C=12
  • dd= Day of the month number
  • N = An integer assigned from 0 - 9, for the day

Using the above format, "GSAP9273" would be an A/P set file created by GS on the 27th day of the 9th month and it was the third such file created.

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