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Invoices - ARREIN

Major to minor Sort Fields: Enter the major to minor sort field, separated by commas. For invoices, any information or field that is not part of the Account or Transaction information directly can only be used as a minor sort field and must be accompanied by a major sort field specified first. For example, 11 (fund) cannot be a sort order by itself, but 1 (account ID), 11 (fund) is a workable sort order.
AR Selection Criteria:

  • 01 – Command Selection
  • 02 – Account Information
  • 03 – Responsible ID Information
  • 04 – Category (By Term) Information
  • 05 – Transaction Detail
  • 06 – Special Information
  • 07 – AR Reference Date
  • 10 – IRIS Information
  • SF – Select File

Would you like separate criteria for the analysis/printing process? Specify separate criteria, if needed.
Beginning Invoice Date: The Beginning Invoice Date indicates the date on which to begin selecting Invoice information. Any invoices that have a reference date during the date range will be included on the invoice run. Any Cash Receipts that were applied on an invoice will print as well. The installed system default is always the beginning of the current month.
Enter Ending Invoice Date: The Ending Invoice Date defines the ending of the date range to print invoice activity. The system installed default date is the end of the current month.
Is this a test run? It is sometimes desirable to run invoices as a test to ensure that the statements are including all items correctly. It is common to use this option the first few billing times. If the user states 'Y', the system will produce the statements. If the user states 'N', the system will produce the statements, assign the billing date from the previous questions, and assign the due date from the next question.
Due Date: For all charges and adjustments issued through an AR Batch process, a Due Date can be assigned either at the point of data entry or during the statement run. For all AR transactions, if a Due Date was not defined during data entry, the system will supply the date. The installed default due date is the end of the current month. The Due Date is most commonly assigned at Invoice Time.
Use ACH Processing? If you respond Yes to this question, ACH (Automated Clearing House) processing will be used for IDs that are set up correctly. These IDs do not receive a bill, but instead have entries in the ACH file (named ACHTAPE) that is created and used for electronic transfer and direct deposit.
Address Hierarchy: Enter a two-character address code as defined in the Person/Entity (PE) subsystem.
Enter the Invoice Format:

  • IN Invoice Format
  • XX Another Invoice Format - This prompt will only appear for those clients that have more than one invoice format. The two -character menu option will determine the format of the invoice.

Use the options to define whether or not all third parties associated with the selected transactions for a particular term (default is All) are to receive a statement.

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