Move SPFM File to Database - ARUTSP
Database tables are available for the storage and maintenance of AR/CR SPFM files. Accessible from the ARSPSF menu, these definitions can be created and modified on the ARSPSF page.
The Move SPFM File to Database utility can load an SPFM definition file into the SPFM database tables. The utility does not delete the SPFM file. Complete removal of the original SPFM file, after conversion to the BusinessPlus database structure, is the responsibility of the client, using standard file removal operating system commands.
Programs that utilize SPFM definition files will first look in the database to see if the desired SPFM definition exists in the database. If so, it will be automatically extracted from the database and used within the calling program. If not, then the program will resort to looking for the appropriate SPFM file in the PERM directory.
AR/CR SPFM Definition File Selection: Answer this question with the actual file name of the SPFM file to be loaded into the database (i.e., SPFMARBL). By default, the utility will look for the file in the PERM directory, but the response to this question can be fully qualified with a different file location.
Note that SPFM files also have what is called a Report ID. Typically, the Report ID (as seen when editing the "Global Information" page of the SPFM file) is the same name as the SPFM file name. However, this is not enforced; leading to the possibility that the SPFM filename and Report ID within the SPFM file may be different. When using this utility to move the SPFM definition to the database, the SPFM file name will be the sole identifier on the ARSPSF page, replacing any other value that may be in the Report ID field of the SPFM file.