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Reference Report - ENREPR

The Reference Report generates an encumbrance listing in purchase number order.

Would you like the Short Format?: Enter "Y" to receive the one-line format of the report. Enter "N" to receive the verbose format which displays all information available for this option.
Would you like to include Disencumbered Ref's? Since disencumbered POs have a status of DE or FP and are never included as encumbrance balances in the General Ledger, the default is No to this prompt. Check the box (Yes) to view all encumbered and disencumbered amounts.
Selection Criteria: Selection Criteria can be used to determine which Encumbrance transactions will be included on the report.
Sort Criteria: The Sort Criteria options are:

  • ID - Reference within ID will sort by Reference to a PEID or Vendor ID. The report will first sort all PEIDs, and within each ID print all Reference in numerical order. A total for each Reference, total of References to each PEID, and a grand total for all References to all PEIDs will be produced.
  • NM - Reference within Name will sort all references to a PE NAME or Vendor Name. The report will sort first all PE Names and within each PE Name print all references in numeric order. A total for each Reference, a total for each PE Name, and a grand total for all References to all PE Names will be produced.
  • PO - Reference will produce a list in numerical order, all references in the ENDB.

'As of' Date: This prompt supports prior period reporting of Encumbrance transaction information. It is common to "backdate" reports to a specific point in time.


How do you want dollars formatted? Enter the three-character code to set how you would like to see dollar amounts formatted for this report.
Which Negative Amount Format to use: Enter the two-digit code for the negative amount format to use:

  • "00" – Use minus sign (e.g., -327698)
  • "01" – Use negative brackets (e.g., [32768])
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