Set Proof Driver File
The Online Set Proof Driver File defines client-specific AR/CR set proof formats. The driver file can be accessed through QUAD or VIEW. The name of the set Proof Driver File is "ARBPDVR" (quotes excluded). The driver file may be located in either the HOME group (or directory in UNIX) of the user, or it may be located in the PERM group (or directory in UNIX). If a file ARBPDVR resides in both HOME and PERM, then the file in the HOME group will be used.
The Layout of the set Proof Driver File consists of a single section header, >ADHOC and four subsections denoted by the word MENU. The four MENU subsections define the AR set Short Format, CR set Short Format, AR set Long Format, and CR set Long Format. It is important to remember that the order of the four MENU subsections is static and will always be interrupted in the order described above. Below is the syntax of the section header and menu designators. Although the word MENU is used to distinguish between the different CR/AR long/short formats, it does not have any direct correlation with any BusinessPlus menu at this time. The >END phrase terminates the set Proof Driver File.
MENU SA Short AR set Proof
MENU SC Short CR set Proof
MENU LA Long AR set Proof
MENU LC Long CR set Proof
Following each MENU subsections are the cluster attribute or special names that make up the user- defined set format. All of the attributes defined for the TRNS cluster are available for use. Additionally, the following special names may also be used to display the values mentioned below.
Special Names:
ACNM | Account Name | 30 |
BFLAG | Block ' * ' Flag | 1 |
DIVDES | AR Division Description | 30 |
FILL | Filler to push Variables Down | 30 |
FQA | GL and JL, Fully Qualified Account | Variable |
GLFQA | GL Side, Fully Qualified Account | Variable |
GLKDES | GL Side, Key Description | 30 |
GLKD16 | Medium GL Key description | 16 |
GLODES | GL Side, Obj Description | 30 |
GLOD16 | Medium GL Object description | 16 |
HITAR | Hit A/R? | 1 |
JLFQA | JL Side, Fully Qualified Account | Variable |
JLKD16 | Medium JL Key description | 16 |
JLKDES | JL Key description | 30 |
JLOD16 | Medium JL Object description | 16 |
JLODES | JL Object description | 30 |
PFLAG | Posted Flag | 1 |
RECNO | Record Number | 9 |
TRNSFT | Transaction Format | 2 |
TERDES | AR Term Description | 30 |
A special notation may be used immediately preceding attributes or special names to specify the starting column and alternative length. The format of the notation is @A:B where A is the startcolumn position and B is the alternative length of the attribute or special name. If no length is given, the system will use the defined length of the attribute in NUCLEUS.
Multiple Lines are supported by the fact that when an attribute is defined as REF @1:15 and another attribute which follows is defined as DIV @1:15 , because they overlap, a new line would be used for the DIV attribute. In all, up to eight lines may be used in the design of the set Proof Format.
Below is listing of the basic set Proof Driver Files supplied from BusinessPlus:
>ADHOC | MENU SA Short AR set Proof | GLFQA @1 | TID @34 |
POSTCD @47 | ARDIV @50 | REFDT @55 | ARREF @64 |
TERM @81 | FINCD @86 | DESC @95:16 | AMT @112:12 |
RECNO @127:4 | BFLAG @131 | PFLAG @132 | MENU SC Short CR set Proof |
GLFQA @1 | TID @34 | POSTCD @47 | ARDIV @50 |
REFDT @55 | CRREF @64 | ARREF @73 | TERM @90 |
DESC @95:15 | AMT @111:12 | HITAR @124 | RECNO @127:4 |
BFLAG @131 | PFLAG @132 | MENU LA Long AR set Proof | GLFQA @1 |
GLKDES @34:15 | GLODES @50:14 | FINCD @65 | REFDT @74 |
ARREF @84 | PLAN @101 | TAXCD1 @112 | TAX1 @117 |
RECNO @127:4 | BFLAG @131 | PFLAG @132 | AMT @1 |
FILL @10:22 | DESC @34 | PREP @65 | FILL @69:4 |
DUEDT @74 | POREF @84 | INT @101 | TAXCD2 @112 |
TAX2 @117 | TID @1 | TEXTID @14 | TRNSFT @25 |
ACNM @34 | BTCH @65 | BILLDT @75 | PRODID @84 |
TERMS @101 | DUTYCD @112 | DUTY @117 | ARDIV @1 |
TERM @7 | MISC @14 | POSTCD @21 | DIVDES @34:15 |
TERDES @49:14 | REL1 @66 | REL2 @70 | QTY @73 |
RETAIL @91 | DISC @101 | CHCD @112 | CHARGE @117 |
MENU LC Long CR set Proof | GLFQA @1 | GLKDES @34:15 | GLODES @50:14 |
FINCD @65 | CRREF @74 | ARREF @84 | PYTYPE @102 |
BANKID @107 | TAXCD1 @112 | TAX1 @117 | RECNO @127:4 |
BFLAG @131 | PFLAG @132 | AMT @1 | FILL @10:22 |
DESC @34 | PREP @65 | FILL @69:4 | REFDT @74 |
POREF @84 | BANKSL @101 | TAXCD2 @112 | TAX2 @117 |
TID @1 | TEXTID @14 | TRNSFT @25 | ACNM @34 |
BTCH @65 | DUEDT @75 | PRODID @84 | BANKDT @101 |
DUTYCD @112 | DUTY @117 | HITAR @130 | ARDIV @1 |
TERM @7 | MISC @14 | POSTCD @21 | DIVDES @34:15 |
TERDES @49:14 | REL1 @66 | REL2 @70 | BILLDT @74 |
PYREF @84 | DISC @101 | CHCD @112 | CHARGE @117 |
>END |