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Set Proof Listing - ENBTBP

After a batch of encumbrance transactions have been entered into a Set batch file, it is recommended to obtain a listing of all entered transactions before they are distributed to the ENDB. This listing is called a Set Proof Listing. The listing may be created as many times as necessary, prior to distribution of the Set.

At the time of data entry, the system checks for logical errors – GL and/or JL account validations, budget checking, transaction trapping, etc.  These error checks are repeated when the Batch Proof Listing is requested.  Thus, if anything has changed since the transactions were first entered (e.g., an account was deleted from the GL), the errors will be detected by the Batch Proof Listing program.

Please enter the name of your EN Set: Enter the name of the EN Set file from which the listing is to be produced.
Would you like the Short format of the EN Set Proof: Checking the box (YES) will print a batch proof with one line per transaction. For multiple lines per transaction, leave the box unchecked (No).
Would you like to print Exceptions Only? Checking the box (YES) will only print the detected errors on the batch proof. Leaving the box unchecked (No) will print the standard batch proof.
Would you like Totals Only to appear?:

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