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Student Activities


The Student Activities (SA) module improves efficiency by shifting the data entry workload associated with student activities from an organization's administrative offices to the individuals directly involved with those activities. Student Activities is a Workflow-driven module designed to assist student groups in tracking revenue, expenses, and conduct other financial functions.


  • Student groups can define different events and track individual fundraising activities at the event and student level.
  • Student groups can request deposits of revenue, request or record check generation for expense purposes, and transfer revenue between account numbers or student groups all with the minimum amount of information needed.
  • The SA module, like other BusinessPlus applications, uses a single integrated database to ensure the integrity of records.
  • SA utilizes the security system of BusinessPlus that enables restricting access to specified pages, tools, and records.
  • SA is specifically designed to interface with BusinessPlus modules, such as Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Journal Entry, with pre-defined page tools.
  • SA has the option of using an approval process with pre-defined Workflow models.



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