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Transaction Balance Report - ENRETB

This report will list all encumbrance detail transactions by Org Key and Object Code displaying the Reference (PO), Posting Date, Encumbrance Division Code, Person/Entity ID, PE Name, encumbrance amounts, payment amounts, and the GL balance.

Totals are displayed for each Reference (PO), and Account (Key-Object combinations). Optionally, the report may also be sorted and totaled by Division Code or PE ID, within Reference, within Account. This report is used to reconcile EN with GL.

Ledger Side: Enter the two-character code that represents the Side of the ledger to which this request relates. The Side refers to the General Ledger versus Job Ledger.
'As of' Date: This prompt supports prior period reporting of Encumbrance transaction information. It is common to "backdate" reports to a specific point in time.
Would you like to include Disencumbered Ref's? Since disencumbered POs have a status of DE or FP and are never included as encumbrance balances in the General Ledger, the default is No to this prompt. Check the box (Yes) to view all encumbered and disencumbered amounts.


Specify prior summarization date (Y?N) Enter "Y" to specify a prior summarization date. Transactions that occur before this date will be summarized into a single total line labeled "PRIOR."
Special Sort Criteria desired: The sort order for the Encumbrance Transaction Balance Report is as follows: Organization Key, Object Code, Reference (PO or PR), Special Sort Criteria, Posting Date. This option question allows the user to define the Special Sort Criteria for this report. The options are:

  • 00 - Default (No Special Sort Criteria)
  • 01 - Person Entity ID (PEID)
  • 02 - Division Code (DIV)

How do you want dollars formatted? Enter the three-character code to set how you would like to see dollar amounts formatted for this report.
Which Negative Amount Format to use: Enter the two-digit code for the negative amount format to use:

  • "00" – Use minus sign (e.g., -327698)
  • "01" – Use negative brackets (e.g., [32768])

Show EN Transaction Type? 
Show ONLY if KEY is active?


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